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When we got to their hideout I pulled out Shizu's vacuum and turned on the reverse button. Piles upon piles of random things emerged from the vacuum as it spit out everything it had collected.

Nobu and Uvo started sifting through the piles of discarded items that now littered the floor of the warehouse they had made their base in.

"How much stuff do you have in here Angel-chan?" asked Nobu-nii as he threw a rotting corpse over his shoulder. Oh, I think that was one of the guys that Killu-nii killed. Oops.

"Is this it?" I said holding up Wado Ichimonji.

"Idiot! Why do you have Zoro's sword?" Nobu-nii screeched.

I looked at the sword, then looked at Nobu and shrugged.

"Oh, there it is," Zoro said emerging from the pile of treasures, grabbing his sword from my hands, and walked away off into the distance.

Nobu-nii gave me a questioning look and I just shrugged again. Why should I know why Zoro was in my treasure pile. He always gets lost.

Uvo-nii suddenly let out an excited noise, "Finally! I found it! Good job on getting it for us Angel-chan." He patted my head and gave the sword to Nobu.

I jumped onto Uvo-nii's shoulders and sat there, "So what now?"

"You," Nobu started, still admiring the katana in his hands, "Should clean up the rest of this mess and actually organize it. There's no point in having all this crap, some of it is completely worthless too."

I groaned as I scaled Uvo-nii to get back to my perch on his shoulders. It's too much work to clean up. Shizu-nee's vacuum is like the closet you toss everything in to hide the mess. It's meant for dumping things in for them to disappear and never be seen again for all time.  Or like the pit underneath your bed. I know you have one. Or maybe you know a friend who has one. Don't deny it. Now, where was I?

"But that's so much work," I whined. 

Uvo-nii grabbed me from where I sat on his shoulders and put me on the floor. "How about I help you get rid of the unimportant things, like these bodies, and we can stuff the rest in the vacuum."

I pouted and nodded. Shuffling through the items I found a pretty crown. I think it's the Slane Theocracy's Crown of Wisdom.  So pretty! I tossed it over my shoulder.

"I can't see anything other bodies. I'm putting it in Shizu-nee's vacuum and no one can stop me! Mwahahahha."

"Fine," Nobu-nii muttered, "Then I guess we won't take you to hunt mafia members with us."

I huffed. "Well, it's a good thing that I have more people to visit then!"

Nobu-nii choked a bit not expecting that answer. "I guess if you want to leave you can." he paused hunching his shoulders a bit. "Not that I care, but who would you go see next?"

I shrugged. I haven't thought about that yet. I expected to stay with Nobu-nii and Uvo-nii for a little longer. Maybe I should go to visit Franki-nii. I think he's meant to be with Phinks-nii right now. That would be cool.

"Is Phinks-nii still traveling with Franki-nii?" I asked.

Nobu noded.

"I think Bono's with them as well," Uvo added.

"Mummy-nii! I miss him! He said I could make a new hold in his body next time I saw him." 

They both shivered at the thought.

"So Phinks, Franklin, and Bono?" Uvo asked.

I nodded.

Smirking Uvo held out his hand towards Nobu.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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