Air Ship or Sea Ship

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I was still sleeping when I felt someone poking me. Now just to let everyone know, you should never poke me to wake me up. Actually, you shouldn't even try to wake me up in the first place. So being woken up by someone poking me usually means death.

I reached up to grab whoever's hand was poking me, crushed their finger, opened an eye, and said threateningly, "Why are you poking me?"

"Angel-chan! You have to wake up otherwise you'll be disqualified and your nii-san will be very upset." Hiso-nii said in an overly happy voice.

I groaned and opened my eyes to see a bunch of people around us and the ship we came to the island on in front of us.

"EH! The phase is already finished?" I said shocked.

Hisoka smiled that creepy smile of his as I jumped off of his back and unpinned the tags from my shirt for the lady to scan.

"Are there any more examinees?" the weird super happy announcer lady said.

Then in the distance, I saw Gon, Kurapika, and Oreo running and yelling, "WAIT! We're here!"

"GON!" Killua and I yelled simultaneously.

Yay! Gon made it. Though, I didn't even realize Killu-nii was here. Oopsies. The lady checked Gon, Kurapika, and Oreo's tags then gave them back.

"Now that everyone is here, please board the ship. We will be traveling to another island where the airship will pick us up." the lady said in an overly cheery voice.

"Ne, Killu-nii, Gon-chan, isn't it funny that we're getting on a sea ship and then we'll be on an airship? Because they're both ships!" I said with a huge grin.




Neither of them laughed.

I went to my emo corner to sulk and grow mushrooms as they talked about hat happened to Gon on the island.

I slowly walked over to Kurapika to ask him about how he got his tag. He told me that he ended up encountering icky Tompa and his friend who was his target or something. I'm not really sure, I got bored. Kurapika's way to serious. He needs to chillax and have some fun. On the other hand, at least, he's not pervy like Oreo.

"How did you get your tag Angel?" Kuapika asked me which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Well," I paused as I tried to think up something to tell Kurapika. Maybe I could just tell him Illu-kun gave it to me since he already had enough points and I was the first person he encountered after. It's close enough to the truth, "Gitta-kun gave it to me since I was the first person he saw who he likes. Isn't that nice?"

Kurapika seemed wary when he realized I received from Illu-nii. "You should be careful around him Angel. You could end up getting hurt. He seems very dangerous." Kurapika warned me. If only he knew that Illu-nii's an assassin.

"It's okay Kura-chan! I'm super careful!" I said happily. "I'm gonna go see what Gon and Killu are doing." I waved as I ran off to join Killu and Gon again.

I stopped running as I heard the announcer person say that we would be approaching the island in 5 minutes. I looked around to see if Killu and Gon were nearby but they weren't.

I sighed. It's not worth finding them so I might as well read a good book while I'm at it. I pulled a book out of my backpack and sat back against the edge of the ship.

"Angel!" I heard someone call.

Darn! I just sat down. I looked up and saw that it was Gon.

"That's my name!" I said slipping my book back into my backpack.

"What do you think is going to happen in the next phase?" Gon asked.

I shrugged. We'll probably get a hint about it soon so I wasn't worried.

"I hope it's not a written test." Gon continued. "I'm really bad at writing."

Killua giggled at that. I just sat there looking annoyed since they interrupted my book before I had even started it.

"We have arrived at the island please exit the ship and board the airship. There you will be given temporary rooms and there will be an announcement." said the weird announcer lady.

I trudged off the ship wanting to get to my new room asap so I could read my book in peace.

Once everyone was on the airship an announcement came on over the loudspeakers. "We will be interviewing the final 10 contestants for the final phase. When I call your number please come to the office located down the hall from the dining room. We will be starting with number 1, Angel."


Calm down Angel. It's okay. That just means you have more time to read later. Calm...

I took a deep breath and started to walk to Netero-san's office. I walked in and saw him with a notepad out and a pen in hand.

"Ah, Angel! Please, come in. Sit down. I just wanted to do a small questionnaire about the Exam so far before starting the final phase."

I nodded and sat down pulling my backpack around to my lap and getting out my teddy bear.

"So, Why do you want to be a Hunter?" Netero asked.

"Well, nii-san said I should but I really wanted to take it because I think that being a Hunter is super cool!" I said with stars in my eyes. "You get to meet amazing people and do so many amazing things. It's like being able to have a playdate with everyone with the whole entire world as your playground!"

He laughed at my answer and drew a cute little flower on his notepad. "Okay then. Next question, What candidate are you most interested in?"

"Well, that's a hard one. I guess I'm interested in the players I don't know because I haven't really talked to them yet. So, that would be everyone except Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio because he's especially boring, Hisoka, and I-Gittaruker. Did I say that right? I don't know if that's how you're meant to pronounce his name. It's so confusing." I replied still musing over the thought about how to say Illu-nii's code name.

"I believe you pronounced it right Angel-chan." he said now drawing a smiley face. "Shall we move on to the last question?" I nodded. "Who would you like to fight the most?"

"Oh! I know the answer to this one! Definitely Hisoka and Gittarucker. Gon and Killu are my besties so I don't really want to fight them. I'm not sure who else is strong, though. Any super strong person is my answer except for Gon and Killu if you consider them strong. Is that it chairman-san? I really want to go read my book now." I asked hoping I could run to my room and finally be able to read my book.

"Yep! Th-" he started but I didn't let him finish since as soon as he said yes, I was out of there. I all I really wanted was to be able to read my book which now seemed possible. I smiled as I used my Nen to speed run to my room.


AN: Oh My Pinacolada! You people make my day. Over 12k reads and 600 star/like things! I love you all! Again, I apologize for being a slow updater. That sadly is somewhat my personality. I hope you all liked this chapter. Also, please feel free to let me know when I make a spelling, grammar, or any other mistake. I believe that the best way to improve your writing is when people actually tell you what's wrong with it. Just no hate comments. :D Have a super fantastic day! Also, shoutout to @onepiece_nakama who offered to draw Angel-chan for me.

My Little AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora