"You look nice" he smiles before standing up from the sofa "shall we go?" he asks me while tossing his car keys in his hand.

"Sure" I smile before slipping on my shoes and heading out the door he holds open for me as we head down to his car.

The walk down the stairs is quite as I sence tension. Quickly I think of something to say "did you drive yourself?" I ask him as he starts to laugh while tossing his car keys in the air and catching them. "No I locked my driver in the car so I could come and get you" I stop on the stairs looking at him in shock.

"I'm joking, course I drived, don't need my driver all the time" he laughs before holding the door to the lobby open for me as we step outside.

Reaching the car he holds my door open ushering me inside. "I can hold open a door myself  you know" I laugh while climbing in making him close it and hurry around.

"I know you can but I'm a gentleman, I like some things old school" he winks at me before we head off for lunch.

Arriving at a little small restaurant tucked in between two very large buildings he parks the car as we head inside.

"This place is huge inside" I look around in awe as I follow him to our table. We reach two glass door opening up to what looks like a giant garden with white tables scattered all over the place and along the back wall are beautiful cherry blossom trees in full bloom. I catch my breath and admire the beauty of all the colours.

"It's beautiful isn't it" Sehun smiles holding out my chair for me to sit before he takes a seat himself.

"It really is, you would never think it was this big on the inside when it's so small outside" I continue to look around as a waitress hands us our menus before leaving.

"Well you should never judge a book by its cover" he smiles at me and I can sence that was aimed at me in more ways then one.

We pick what we want as the waitress takes our orders and heads off to the kitchen. I feel my nerves kick in as my leg begins to shake. Putting my hand on it I try hard to stop it but fail.

"Baby are you ok ?"  he reaches his hand over touching my hand that's resting on the table before giving it a tight squeeze.

"Was that comment a slight dig at me?" I look up at him with puppy dog eyes as he softly smiles. "yes and no "  he takes a breath and leans closer.

"You thought this place was small from the outside till we stepped inside, and also you think I'm a totally different guy cause I am the new CEO but you have seen the real me inside and I don't want you to judge me on my job, if that makes sence" he laughs

"Yeah I get what you mean, but I haven't really thought much about what you asked me"  I lower my voice as the waitress returns with our food smiling before she leaves.

"It bothers you so much that I'm the CEO doesn't it" his smile fades as I feel a lump in my throat begin to form.

"I.... I'm just afraid people will think I'm after your money" I try hard to hold back my tears as I pick up my glass and sip some water trying to make the lump in my throat disappear.

"Why would you care so much of what people will think, I know you and your not like that Luhan, come on we had a beautiful time in Paris didn't we?" he winks at me making me blush again.

"I don't want them saying things about you either about being with a member of staff, I'm even nervous here incase someone walks in that knows you" I tuck into my food finding it real hard to swallow as I just give up trying.

Time passes with small chit chat as we decide to then leave. Reaching his car he takes his phone out and makes a call.

"Cancel that meeting Minseok, I won't be able to make it, thank you" he hangs up the phone before opening his car to get in.

Is Love in the Air?(hunhan) Where stories live. Discover now