“Why am I also here? I thought you just want my advice then leave my house. Not take me with you!” I angrily tied a ribbon with a letter that he wrote on a torch near the pathway. I also attach a small pink rose on it.

“I can't do this alone and it’s your idea so you need to help me make it happen.” His answer made my blood boil that I want to destroy everything that I set up cause this handsome man didn't do anything and just order me around. But I don’t wanna waste my effort and of course cause I’m doing this for him. Stupid right?

“For your information Mr. Varodom! It’s your idea! I just gave you a clue! But that didn't mean you should make me do ALL OF IT!” I throw the remaining designs to him so he could do it himself and I sat down on one of the chairs.

I look around the setting of THEIR date. A table for two was set up with rose petals around it and was placed in the seaside overlooking the ocean. There was a pathway of rocks with colorful torches with the letters that I put up. Romantic scented candles, bouquet of pink roses on the table and dinner that surprisingly Kim cooked for them. Too cheesy right? His idea not mine.

He sat down on the chair at the other side of the table. Then he look at me while just staring at his eyes and I can see how happy and excited he is at this very moment.

If someone saw us right now, they would think that Kim and I are having a romantic date under the night sky while the moon is watching over us like it was giving us her blessing to love each other and guide us till the end.

But my imagination faded when he avert his eyes from mine and read a text that I’m assuming from Cocal since his face lighten up a lot more.

“Go get her…” I smiled bitterly at him then he nodded before he ran happily like a little excited cute kid.


I watch from my hiding place the worst scenario that my heart could take. I thought I was out of here the moment I was done decorating but this Alpha didn't want me to leave yet and asked me a last request.

Kim was standing near the table while watching her walk towards him. But she takes a lot of time because she picks up every letter of Kim for her from all the torches. She opens them up and read while smiling.

I don’t have any strength to read one of those letters because I know it will only make me miserable and even more broken.

I don’t want to know what he wants to say to her. I don’t want to know how he love her so much.

The moment she reach him it was the time for his last request from me. And I decided for myself this will be the very last I will give in to his requests.

Since I was very well hidden, I took out my violin and played the tune of the first song that comes to my mind.

(Italic - Song lyrics | Normal - Cop’s thoughts)

I don't know why
But when I look in your eyes
I felt something that seems so right

I don’t know why do I feel like whenever I look into your eyes I see myself and I always feel like I belong to you and you should belong to me. But you don’t see it.

You've got yours I've got mine
I think I'm losing my mind
'Cause I shouldn't feel this way

Maybe I’m too good at imagining things that I’ m the only one who sees it. I know I shouldn't feel like that cause you belong to her. Your heart belongs to her.

Catch me, I'm falling for you
And I don't know what to do

I’m in love to you for what? 6 years already? And for some reason I just kept falling in love to you everyday and every second we’ve known each other. And you don’t know that. You will never know that.

How can something so wrong
Feel so right all along

I know it’s wrong for you to marry a guy like me but I want to ask you again, is it that bad for you to marry me?

Catch me, I'm falling for you

How can time be so wrong?
For love to come along

Catch me, I'm falling for you

Love did come along, for you that is. Cause you get to asked her but it was the bad time to know that you're tied with me. And even though she said yes my mind said no. I should stop. I can’t kept falling for you.

How can love let it go
When it has no place to go

It’s been 3 months even though you're dating her, you're still stuck with me. And I’m stuck with you. I’m always at the front row seat watching you loving her. I have a chance to let go but if I did I feel like I don’t have any place in your mind anymore since she already occupied all your heart.

And I can't go along pretending
That love isn't here to stay

Catch me I'm falling for you

But I’m fine pretending to be fine so I could stay by your side.

I know we can't ever be
More than friends, you and me
But why do I feel this way

We wouldn't be friends if this didn't happen. I will just be stuck being your classmate and that’s it, I already told myself that many times but why am I the feeling that it’s right for me to marry you? That it’s right for you to love me too? Why am I having these selfish thoughts when I know you will never look at my way and love me just the same?!

I open my eyes and I watch him dance with her. Both were looking at each other’s eyes. Their forehead touching one another while their hand are linked and they slow dance through the music. What a wonderful sight.

Maybe someday I'll see
Why love did this to me
'Cause I can't go along pretending
That love isn't here to stay

Am I seeing her sad eyes and smile that she's trying to hide or am I just imagining it because of how I’m torn right now?

Catch me, I'm falling for you

Catch me, I'm falling for you

And is it wrong for me to feel this way
'Cause I don't know what to do without you
I'm falling for you

Catch me, I'm falling for you

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