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Mom:I know you guys are mad, but there is one thing that might make you hate us forever.
Me: If you say that, that means we are definitely going to get mad!!
Me and Eli were super mad at our parents. We were standing up. Eli has his arms crossed and I was leaning forward a tiny bit because I was yelling.
Dad: We're moving to any other state.
Me and Eli give our parents a death stare. Usually our parents were the ones giving the death stare but not today.
Me and Eli close our mouths.
Dad: We both know you are upset, and we understand why. But we need a bigger space to live because of your mother having another baby. We will make this up to you. We promise. We will do whatever you both want. Even if it is in Pennsylvania or here. We will. We promise.
There was a pause.
Me: Wait.
We look at our mom and she had tears in her eyes.
Dad: I know, it's really unexpected but it'll be a change.
Me: Yeah but you know me dad. I want to graduate high school in my home and childhood state.
He sighed.
Dad: Kids were very very sorry. We both know you guys hate us right now, but Pennsylvania will be a pretty cool change.
We both looked down. He was right. We could probably might new friends and start over. We both got calm.
Eli: When do we move?
He says looking up and me looking up at him.
Dad: Next week. So that means we have to start packing tomorrow. Even better today.
Me: Wait, exactly next week?
They both nod their heads.
I sigh.
Mom: We're so sorry.
Me and Eli give them a tiny smile.
Me: ill go pack now.
Eli: Same here.
They both smile at us.
me and him take our backpacks upstairs. i walk to my room and open the door. i close the door.
Me: Alexa. play my playlist.
Al: Playing Y/n's playlist.
the first song that came on was a song called This is not a love song by bülow.
i grabbed all of my clothes and put it on the bed.
I folded every single piece of clothing I had. And don't judge, but I even folded my socks.
I put a fifth of my clothes inside that suit case. I could put socks and underwear and fit a couple of bracelets.
I zipped it up and put it at my door.
I went back inside my room and grabbed another suitcase from inside my closet. I have like 5 suitcases and 4 duffel bags. I know. That's a lot. But having friends that love to travel, you kind of need it.
I kept on packing my clothes.
I hear a little knock on my door.
Me: Come in!!
The door opens and I was looking up expecting my mother, but i look down and see May.
Me: May!!
i walk up to her and pick her up.
Me: Do you wanna watch me pack?
She nods her head with her lollipop in her mouth.
I place her on the bed and i give her my ipad to play with. She started watching some Youtube while i was packing the rest of my clothes.
i was finally done pack my clothes, after 35 baby sharks later.
i then started packing all of my posters. There were a couple of skater ones, a couple of dance, and my favorite of them all. The Jonas Brothers. I've always wanted more of those, but my parents didn't want to spend money on a piece of paper that has boys on it. I understood but i didn't have any money to buy the poster.
i folded them up and put them in a folder. i put a name sticker on it and wrote poster on it. My mom brought up some cardboard boxes. i put my little library inside. i smiled at the book i wrote in 2nd grade. i was always proud of that work.
the posters took 5 minutes, the books took 30. i had a lot of craft stuff. i loved making little things for my room or even family members who i just met, or family who is coming into town, or even regular cards. i put that in a separate box.
then all of my hair accessories. i mostly just wear a messy bun, but i wear more things on my hair too. i wear bandanas, scrunchies, hairclips, bobby pins, and even head bands. i have a ton of things that can go in my hair. i made most of them. i put that in a little grocery bag.
i have a lot of legos. and i mean, a lot . i have a whole drawer set just for legos. i love doing puzzles but i hate them at the same time. like i hate doing those classic puzzls where you put everything into place. yeah. hate those. but like puzzles you do on paper, love them, legos, love them, and baby building blocks, love them too. dont judge. i put those in a card board box.
last but not least. makeup. holy shit.... i dont have a lot of makeup. the main reason why i don't wear makeup, is because i hate the feeling of it. and i hate putting it on because it takes way too long. all you are going to do it take it off when you are done doing something. i put that in a tiny box.
i shoved everything to the side since my room is a little bit clean. all i have left in the room is furniture. everything is in a box. youre probably wondering, how are you gonna get clothes for school? news flash im not going to school anymore. im only gonna go to school for 2 days or so, and the rest is packing. so all i have to do is open up my suitcase and pick out an outfit.
i walk downstairs and i tell May to come down with me. it was already midnight. time flies fast.
Dad: are you done packing?
Me: yep. all i have in the room is furniture.
Mom: great. Is your brother finished?
Me: I'll go check.
i walk back upstairs and May stayed downstairs to eat. the last thing she ate was that lollipop.
i knock on his door.
Eli: Come in.
i open the door.
Me: Are you done?
Eli: Does it look like it.
all he had done was his dresser in some suitcases, not even folded, threw some of his books in the boxes. i could tell it was thrown because the pages were bent, the books were up right.
i sighed.
Me: I really do not wanna help you, but you have to finish today. and you literally had all day to finish your room and all you did was go on your phone.
Eli: Calm down we have a week.
Me: That goes pretty fast you know. If you aren't done with your room in a week, we are gonna leave without you and you have to live in a house by yourself.
Eli: I'm down. i wanna stay here.
yeah, but have you heard a thing called taxes, and bills, and buying food at the grocery store, and a job, and money, and rent?
he looks down and sighs.
Eli: Fine.
me: And we are going to school tomorrow to get our things and say goodbye to our friends.
Eli: We have to do all of that in 1 day?!
Me: no stupid, we get two days.

School Days || Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now