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I staring at the teacher who was making me go to the office.
Mrs: Go now.
Me: Fine.
I bring my book and walk to the office at the front of the school.
I ring the bell and they all look at me. The student counselor- Ms. Anderson- speaks up.
An: What are you here for? 
Me: Mrs. Heave sent me here.
An: For what?
Me: Because I was reading a book and she never gave my a task.
An: Did you ask?
Me: She said figure it out. So I looked at the agenda and it said gravity notes. The thing that I finished.
Ms. Anderson sighs.
An: Just go back to class. We will talk to her.
I smile and walk back to class. I smirk the whole way there.
I knock on the door and she opens it.
Mrs: Didn't I tell you to go to the office?
Me: I told them what you did, and they let me come back.
She rolled her eyes and let me in the classroom.
I took my seat and everyone was smirking.
Me: What?
This boy Adam said: Lunch DETENTIONNNNN.
It's a thing that some kids do when the get in trouble. It's like a sophomore inside joke.
I rolled my eyes and smirked.
Ad: But did you?
Me: No.
ad: Oh.
He went back to his work. I rolled my eyes and started reading my book.
Soon enough class was over and the rest of the class I was reading my book.
I headed towards my next class until I heard my name being called. It was a guy's voice.
I turn and around and see Adam.
Me: What's up?
Ad: I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and two of my friends at lunch today.
Me: Oh, sorry, I was going to sit where I usually sit, but tomorrow I can.
Ad: What lunch period?
Me: 2.
Ad: Oh cool same, see you at lunch tomorrow.
I smile and turn back around and head towards my next class. It was Project based learning. Project based learning is a class where you learn how to do cool crafts and it has a cause to it. Last year we did a cooking segment and it was really fun.
I take my seat next to Lexi, who has this class with me. But there's this girl who hates Lexi but doesn't even know me. Her name is Samantha.
Le: What are we doing today?
Me: I don't know.
I look at the agenda and all it said was the same thing as yesterday.
Soon enough the bell rings and I take my seat. Mr. Rush is the best teacher ever! He doesn't care about anything!
Ru: Okay class, take out your laptop and go to google classroom. The directions of what we are doing today are there. You guys can have a partner, or a group of 3.
Me and Lexi, look at each other from across the room.
Ru: And go.
I get up and take my laptop. To me and Lexi's usual spot.
Me: So, something weird happened.
Le: Oo. Spill.
She said typing in 'Google Classroom' into google.
Me: So, Adam, you know that kid who always tries to make the class funnier, but always gets in trouble for it?
Le: Yeah.
She said looking at me.
Me: Well, he asked if he wanted to sit with me at lunch.
Le: And what did you say?
Me: I said hell no, I ain't leaving you and Tiana. Bros before hoes.
Le: Bitch! You should have said yes! This could be your new mans!!
I roll my eyes and type in 'Google Classroom' into Google.
Le: You know I'm right.
Me: What ever.
Me and Lexi read over the directions and we grab the supplies that we needed from the closet.
All we needed was corn starch and water. Food coloring was optional. I already knew what was gonna happen. Ooblec.
Me and Lexi has our own bowl. We did the measurements, 2 parts corn syrup, 1 part water.
I added purple food coloring to the mixure. I started mixing with a wooden spoon. I start going fast, and it was hard to mix. I slowed down and it was easier.
I picked it up with my hands and it was a weird feeling. I started to roll it up into a ball and it started to not stick on me. I hovered over the bowl and let the mixture drop. It fell through my fingers and it drooped down into the bowl.
Le: This is so cool, but so gross at the same time.
Me: I know right!
Me and Lexi played with the mixture for a little bit until Mr. Rush called everyone to their seats.
Ru: You guys can bring your ooblec.
i put the ooblec into the bowl and brought the bowl to my seat. I played with it somemore until Mr. Rush started talking. He was just explaining why it does that. I didn't pay attention, i was just punching the heck out of the mixture.
Soon enough class was over. We get to keep the ooblec, and i headed to lunch. I put my things on the way there because I have PE for the last period. We don't need to bring our things there, but all we needed is our uniforms.
After I put everything in my locker, i started walking towards the cafeteria, and i feel someone tap my shoulder. I look the other way because there is this thing, where you tap someone's opposite shoulder so they look away from you. I saw Tiana.
Me: You need to work on that stupid trick.
Ti: Shut up.
I hear my name being called by a guy. I turn around and see Adam about to skate board down the small hill. The hallway was a tiny little ramp.
Ad: Watch this!!
Adam doesn't skate. He doesn't know how to.
It was too late. He had already pushed his foot off the ground and he was already gliding down the hall.
Some teacher came out of their classroom. He zoomed pass them. He passed me and Tiana. I closed my eyes because he wasn't looking where he was going and was about to run into the pole that stays between the door when their closed.
He turned around and smiled at me. Then all I could hear was a huge bang and the skateboard still rolling.
I open my eyes again and see Adam holding his knee rolling on the ground.
I run up to him.
Me: Oh my god! Adam are you okay?
Ad: Yeah I'm fine.
He still said rolling on the ground.
Teachers and the school nurse came towards us and put him on a wheel chair. He was screaming in pain and it broke my heart.
Me and Tiana started walking to the cafeteria.
We walked in line for our food. 2 minutes later we got it. I got nachos and Tiana just got spaghetti. We see Lexi waving at us. She always brings home lunch. She says the lunch is gross, but she never even tried it.
Le: Wait so what happened over there?
She point where the catastrophe happened.
Me: So Adam Kendrick, do you know him?
Le: Yeah.
Me: He was trying to impress me by skating down the slanted hallway even though he doesn't know how to skate.
Le: Oooooo
Me: Shut up. So he skates down the hallway and he looked at me. I closed my eyes because he was about to hit the pole in between the doors. And all I hear a huge boom and the skateboard still rolling. I open my eyes, and there he is holding his knee rolling on the floor.
Le: Ouch.
Me: Exactly.

School Days || Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now