A broken soul

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My life is an atomic bomb, everything that's close to explodes.

Peanut died again, this time I just gave up. Damian tried to make me feel better, as did Gambit and Cheshire but it was no use. I cried for hours! I decided that if I was going to keep everyone safe, I had to be removed. My birthday is in two day, seven hours and sixteen minutes. I can feel my power getting stronger, deadly.

I have to go.

"That's all she wrote." I said. Everyone just stared at me as if I killed someone, but then again, I did. 

"Why did we let her read again?" Cheshire asked. 

"Look, we gotta go find her." my brother said, he is really worried about her. Lucky!  

"I have an idea!" I said trying to lift the dull spirits of the room. 

"Sweetie this doesn't concern you so you should really,  just shut up." David told me. Even the gay kid hates me, well that's another problem for another master plan.  

"Oh! Wait there's something on the back." Stephanie shrieked, lifting the paper from my hands.  "To Damian,  maybe you should read this." she handed it to him. His eyes scanned the paper, and in an instants he was gone! Just great! 

"Alright, let's just carry on with our day."Havok instructed.

I decided to make a break for it, I went into town to meet my temporary boyfriend until Damian broke up with the Shadow Girl. 

"There's my little terror! " he greeted me. His brown hair fell beautifully on his face. 

"Well, I do try, Lovecrush."I giggled. 

Michael Lovecrush, the town's most popular, most handsome and the richest boy in town is dating me.  We met a couple of girls,  Melinda (Mel) and Gretchen,  who hates the little Shadow Girl as much as I do. 

"So?" Gret begged. 

"She's gone!"Mel added.

"Getting rid of her was the easy part,  getting them to turn on her is going to be hard. "I can almost taste his lips on mine! " Gret said. 

"Remember! Damian's mine." I told her. 

"Fine. I can settle for Jason." she shrugged. 

"I can't believe you're talking about this in front of me. " Michael complained. 

"I'm sorry sweetie." I said.  Okay maybe not that sorry.

We devised our next plan, which was full proof. 

"Damian will do anything to try to find her, so we need to keep him occupied." I said.  

"There's a huge party this weekend, and I really think they would all benefit from it." Mel added.  

"Perfect,  I can get them there. Just make the rest happen." I said.  I had to head back before they started to forget about me.

I made it back, with a plan and a target. Break up Cheshire and Jason. 

"You guys wouldn't believe it!" I shrieked. 

"What is it Hannah?" Damian said. He's never called me Hannah, this really has him in the dumps. 

"There's a party tonight!" I said. 

"If you haven't noticed, no one here is in the mood for a party." Xeno said to me. 

"Well, maybe we could go for a party." Gambit said. 

"Depends on who's party?" Stephanie nugged. 

"Well, this girl Gretchen told me about it. It's Martin Lobe's party." I said.

"Count me out." Damian said sliding through the room. 

"2nd." Jason added. 

"All those out?" Stephanie motioned. One by one, they decided not to go. 

"Fine! I'll go by myself." I yelled at them.

Damian POV

I've been spending  a lot of  time at the arena, because I know she's there. She staged the whole thing, to clear her head, and to discredit my little sister. I can't say I blame her, but Hannah has been with Gretchen and Melinda a lot lately. I just hope she knows what she's doing.

I don't have time to worry about her, anyway. Radio's not coming back from the arena, and I can't tell anyone.

Hannah POV

"Maybe you should give him some space." Gambit suggested. 

"You idiot, he's going to leave if he gets his 'space'." I yelled at him.  

"Now, I know why she left. I should have let her kill you." he said walking away.

The Shadow Girl (Book #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now