Story of my LIFE

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I was drained; physically, mentally, emotionally. I awoke to a house full of sleeping bodies, who seemed just as exhausted as me. I never used my powers for leisure but, this was going to be the exception. I floated around the house, which was quite fun. 


I heard Peanut barking at something through the window. Seconds later, mail came through the slot in the door. 

"Oh." I said to myself. 

I glanced at the clock, 10:30. 

I did a double take of the time, "10:30 am!" I moaned loudly, "On a Monday?! Why me?" I cried. 

I had two projects and a paper that I had slaved over due today, with no extensions, or exceptions. I fell from my lovely black cloud to cry on the cold cedar wood floor.

I couldn't help like I was dying, which woke the house. 

"Radio!" I could hear Matt, Havok and Michael saying all trying to find me. 

Gambit was the only one who was successful, "Alright Ra, let's get you off the floor." he said lightly lifting me with his power, manipulation of kinetic energy. 

He 'carried' me to the couch in the living room. 

"Is she ok?" I could hear Havok ask. 

"Oh right!" Matt started, "She had work due without extension or exception today." he finished.

"Oh man she's pissed." Michael added. 

Or maybe it was because I had started to consume myself in a dark bubble. As if I was in stasis, shadows and darkness crowded around me as if I was electromagnet, if came flying from around the house. I could hear, David, Meg, Xeno, Cheshire, and Damian enter the room. 

"How powerful is she?" Gambit asked. 

"More powerful than all of us, that's why they want her." Damian said. 

Everything paused, the darkness and shadows returned to their origins, "Who wants me?" I asked, lowering my self back to the floor. 

"Who else? The Grand Council." Damian said plopping down on the couch, his muscular frame was true, his abs were a true account of that. 

Cheshire sat next to him and curled into his left side. 

"So, why do they want me?" I asked. 

"They want to kill you, or worse, make you one of them." Xeno responded. 

This was the first time I had heard him speak, his voice was dark and husky. 

"Being one of them, means that your immortal, with the exception on not leading a normal life." Cheshire continued, her voice was smooth and low.

"Get changed, we've got work today." Havok instructed, leave it to my brother to be a party killer. I made my way back upstairs, to my room.

 "Hey,wait up." I heard Michael whisper behind me. He may be my boyfriend, but those aquaman boxer, are NOT a turn on, even with his perfect abs, not even six, but eight! 

He took my hand and we walked to my room, "Are you ok, really?" He questioned lying on my bed.

 "Yes, I just forgot what was going on." I said. 

All of a sudden, I could feel someone inside of my head. 

"It's ok. It's only me." 

It was Michael's voice, and then it was gone. I wasn't facing him but now I didn't even want to but I did, and asked, "Were you just in my head?" 

The Shadow Girl (Book #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now