All hail the Bad Boy

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"Good morning, Beauty!" Damian said to me as I awoke. 

"Morning, Beast." I responded stretching. 

He laughed and scratched the back of his neck. 

"I guess I earned that." he said kissing my forehead. 

"Come on or we're gonna be late." he said taking my backpack with him. 

"I'll be right down." I said after him. 

I have never been so excited to go to school, I quickly showered and got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, and a Def Leppard crop top, with a pair of all black Chucks. I headed downstairs to find, Matt, Megan and David. 

"Good morning, Sunshine." Havok said to me walking past us. "He said he would meet you at school." I sighed in relief.

So, the four of us walked to school, well two us anyway, Matt and Megan were coupled up all the way to school. 

"I can't stand it." David yelled at them. They instantaneously stopped trying to eat each other. 

"Alright." Meg said now walking next to me. 

"Thank you. I love you both but please don't eat each other." David said. 

"Well." Meg said bumping me. 

"I know my brother left you. Are you ok?" she asked me. 

"I feel great actually." I said, "It's like it used to be, me, my guys, and my family." 

"She knows." Matt said. I looked at him as if he was crazy. 

"She knows, about what?" I asked trying to ignore the obvious. 

"I know about the arranged marriage." Meg chimed in. "Man, is Michael gonna have a fit." 

"Well, he doesn't know about that or any of us really." I said kicking a rock up the deserted street. 

"Secret Escape?" Matt asked taking me by the shoulders. I nodded, as a single tear fell from my eye. I never wanted to lose Michael but he was getting scary, and turning into a real jerk. 

"Hey, don't cry over him." Matt said hugging me. 

"Sweety, he was a jerk, he didn't deserve you." David said joining the hug. "No offense Megs." 

"None taken. Its true." the four of us stood on the corner of Main a half block from school. We slowly let go and continued our walk. 

"But now you've got the new Bad Boy." David said. "So smile, and kick ass."

Damian POV

I headed downstairs with her book bag in my hand. Matt, Meg and David were in the living room waiting on her,and I had some work to do. 

"She's on her way down." I told them. I headed outside, slamming the door behind me I took a deep breath. 

"Today's gonna be a good day." I told myself. 

I jumped on my motorcycle and headed for the middle of town. Being a bad boy is hard work, and I needed to kick start my reputation, as if my appearance wouldn't do that for me. Wearing a black t-shirt, showing off some tattoos, and black jeans. I walked into the local hardware store and bought twelve cans of black and red spy paint, and a sledgehammer for good luck. I walked up to the register, where the clerk gave me a concerned look. 

I shrugged my shoulders, "Demo." I told her. I left the store and rode to school. they weren't here yet, no one was. Except the principal and other administration. 

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