"I am not here to discuss home furnishings. Can we discuss the matters at hand?" Stormheart remarked. "Your warlords are spreading their influence deeper into the archipelago. The further north you go, the more you will encroach into my lands. I do not take challenges lightly." She sneered right after. "Ah!And there we come to the crux of the matter. Please, follow me and we shall resume the discussion."

"I will not hesitate to rip you, piece by piece, if you oppose me. Your tamed beasts do not frighten a warrior like me." I think she was referring those red and black dragons at the beach. "Frighten? Oh, heavens forfend. My Deathgrippers' bite is worse than their bark." So that's the dragon species, Deathgrippers'. Mmm, makes sense, they do like dragon killers. "They are free to test me. They will not find easy prey in the storm." Stormheart stated with confidence. She radiated power and respect.

"Please! Why did we venture down such an ugly path? Let us speak of greener pastures." I rolled my eyes. "I have no quarrels with Berk itself, my young friend." As he looked over at me for a second. "Peace with dragons is a foolish notion.. but do what you want." He said with sarcasm. "And Stormheart... I have no desire to control lands."

"I can advise the warlords to leave you alone if you leave me be." He added on,
"An interesting offer. Let me think about it, Grimmel. Let me speak to you, Y/N." Stormheart and I had our backs towards him, and talked. Low enough for him, but loud enough for us to hear.
"If Grimmel is truly a mercenary for hire by the warlords, this means that he and I will have little reason to butt heads after this fight. This would leave only you and Grimmel to butt heads."

"But must it be that way?" He shouted and we turned around. 'Ah! That might be the hammer Gobber has been missing in New Berk. I should pick it up!'  I grabbed Gobber's tool over by the bushes, I picked it up and walked backed over. "But I had... forgotten... that you lived on this island. How is it to return to your home, filled by your enemies?" I had to remain still, Grimmel couldn't see if I was scared or threatened because I had a neutral expression on my face.

"It must have been a quick evacuation indeed, to escape before I could find the Night Fury. Though, it's no matter. Please, let us continue. There is no reason for us to fight, Y/N, if we can come to an understanding today. Follow me when you're ready." He said smugly. "So. What do you propose?" She questioned, we were nearing the Great hall. "Something wonderfully simple, Stormheart. Leave each other alone." He stated happily. "Why must we clash when our needs are so different?" He asked us, Stormheart rolled her eyes.

"Easy for you to say. You have painfully simple needs. 'Death to Night Furies.' As you would put it." She replied right back. "My young friend, the warlords will no longer chase Berkians across the world. Your chief Hiccup will be loath to give up his Night Fury. I understand. So..." He stopped talking and looked up at Stoick's statue. "I don't think the statue does this great chief justice. Do you miss him? Stoick was a mountain of a Vicking who protected Berk by the sheer force of presence. Even his enemies respected him." He paused for a second. "His replacement is unfortunately no equal." He said, almost as if he was disappointed.

"Foolish, Grimmel. One knows to never underestimate the tamer of the Alpha.
I have much to ponder once I get back to the Tempest. We shall speak again."
Stormheart said as she prepared herself for departure. "Then I will not stop you. Y/N dear, a final word if you please." I walked a couple feet, but stayed when I was close enough.

"Take my offer to Hiccup. If Hiccup and Toothless fight me one on one, we will end our crusade. It is a serious offer. All this pain can end with the smallest sacrifice, and is that not a chieftain's job?" I only nodded and asended down the steps where Stormheart waited for me.

"Remember all that you have heard, Y/N, and tell Hiccup every last detail. Tell him to consider it with any offers he may have heard, here and elsewhere." After speaking with both Stormheart and Grimmel, where Eret and Storm was waiting. "Thank all the seas, you're back! I was starting to think I had to storm the town with your dragon." I only laughed as Storm nudged his head on my arm. "Let's get out of here while we still have the chance, mate. Hop on board."

Time skip to New Berk

'I should get the news to Hiccup right away.' I raced through the village, accidentally ignoring the "Hi" and "Hello" greetings of my friends. "I'm glad you're safe, Y/N. If facing Grimmel will end all this nonsense, I'm all for it! I know that Toothless and I can handle anyone in a fair fight." Astrid quickly cut him off. "No. No way. Absolutely not. Hiccup, that is not happening." I walked over toward Astrid, and she gave me a high-hive.

"Great job with the meeting, Y/N. You did Berk proud. There is no way we are going to risk our chieftain and the dragon alpha in a rigged fight against Grimmel. Did we all forget that Grimmel has hunted down all the other Night Furies in the world?? No. We'll find another way."

Defenders of the Hidden WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora