Home Sweet New Home

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"I'll confer with Valka and Gobber and try to see it from their eyes. Don't worry; if I'm getting too gung ho - as I sometimes can get - I'm sure Astrid will put me back to reality." He told me, I nodded as a response. "This is your first time at New Berk, right? Welcome to our home! It doesn't look like much right now, but everyone has grand plans for their houses. Why don't you take a look around and get settled in? I suggest starting by the cliffs out of the mesa. You can get a feel for the beauty of this place." I looked around the place from where I was standing and I saw how big it was.

Deciding I wanted to explore around, I found Snoutlout waving down at me by the cliff side. "Yo! Yo! I need your help on a matter of highest priority. COme to me right now, or the safety of New Berk will be completely shattered beyond saving!" He cried, I looked at Storm, he rolled his eyes and gently landed down. "What's so important right now?" I said to him, he simply smirked.

"Good. I'm glad someone is taking me seriously on this. I'm sure Hiccup's probably straining his arm patting himself on the back so hard. 'Oh, look at me, I've found a sanctuary where dragons can be safe.' Yeah, so I don't see dragon hunter ships making it up here. But what about us humans? We're sheared sheep waiting for the slaughter!" He complained, I almost basically numbed myself at this point.

"What we need is something out of the classic playbook. It's gotta be something that screams 'Berk' and also 'fierce Viking,' all in one. What we need is one of Gobber's siege machines. Then we can protect ourselves from any attackers who try to scale the cliffs." Snoutlout explained, I only nodded as a response.

"If you fly around I'm sure you can find Gobber; he's standing in front of his precious forge." Racing back to Storm we flew around the village to see good 'ol Gobber standing out there.

"Watch your step! We're not done setting up yet. It'd be a lot easier to move around if Grump would move out of the way, you lazy bundle of charcoal.
So, Y/N, what can I do for you? Can't imagine Hiccup sent you here with a new idea. I'm sure he has twelve ideas just bouncing around in his head already. He just seems a little preoccupied with the Light Fury and all." He mumbled the last part to himself.

"Listen to me go on and on! Come on here and tell ol Gobber what you need." He asked me, I explained to him what Snoutlout needed. The others joined in as well to catch up.

"Will wonders never cease? Snotlout Jorgensen with a good idea all on his own. I never thought I'd see the day.
Ever since I took up dragon dentistry, I haven't flexed my siege weapon skills. You know what they say, though. Making a deadly weapon is just like riding a yak: you might get gored but you never forget." All of us laughed nervously and averted our gaze from Gobber. "Let's take a look inside the forge and see what we can dig up. Maybe I can resurrect my dear old catapult, Big Berta! Oh, how I've missed you so." He exclaimed, but when we went inside we found the Dragon geek Fishlegs.

"Fishlegs? What're you doing?" Gobber said, completely weirded out by what Fishlegs was doing. "Sorry! Sorry, sorry! It's just Fishmeat again, being a little crank machine. Come on, get out here!" He cried out, still chasing Fishmeat while he talked.

"Y/N! Oh, thank Freya. You're just the person who can help me out. Please talk to me." I decided to step up, but keep a safe distance. "Sometimes I think I've torn off more than I can chew with this little guy. He's just so active and playful and has neverending energy! How do other dragon moms do this?" He complained. 'Fishlegs, you aren't even his mom...' I said in my head.

"Fishmeat just doesn't want to take his nap even though it's way past his bedtime. He set fire to my favorite pair of gloves and then flew off to explore!" He ranted on, I rub my face in annoyance. Oh, my lord, everyone is being annoying....

"We have no idea what could possibly be waiting in the wilderness so it's just not safe for him to go off on his own. I managed to chase him into the building, but now I can't get him out from under that table. Can you get him out, please?" I crouched down and snapped my fingers underneath the forge, this caught Fishmeat's attention and he slowly climbed out form underneath.

"There you are, you naughty boy! Thank you so much, Y/N. Thank you!" Fishlegs said to me, while spinning around with Fishmeat in his hands. "What. A. Thrilling. Adventure.
Now that you've pulled out our little baby, I'm sure Fishlegs can get that dragon out of my shop." Gobber remarked sarcastically, Fishlegs didn't get the message and started babying Fishmeat. "Now, Fishlegs." Gobber said with a much harsher tone, he took notice and scurried out of the shop.

"I have most of the mats for a catapult in this crate, but I'm missing most of the wooden pieces. We must've used them on all the new buildings. If you find a forest near here, we should be able to get this weapon done!" I nodded, Ashley and Elizabeth came with me on their dragon's. We spotted a nearby forest and landed not far from them. 'Those trees seem the sturdy type, similar to those at Berk. We should gather 6 wooden logs from the trees.' Getting straight to work, we each did our part and chopped 2 logs each.

"We should bring the logs back to Gobber at the smithy." Ashley spoke out, she quickly slithered onto her Razorwhip's neck and Elizabeth on her Sand wraith; Sungazer. Storm lowered his body and allowed me to climb onto his back to quickly get to Gobber's smithy.

"Perfect! This will give the right structure and bend for those heavy duty situations. You've got a good eye for wood." He commented, we all give each other high-hive. "Now. This catapult will need a stable foundation to withstand the force of the projectile being shot out!"

"Whenever we look to create a solution, it's integral to talk to others and discuss options to figure out the best method. After all, we all have different minds and different experiences that have shaped us; talking through different ideas can allow us to find an answer that incorporates the best possibilities."

"So while I finish this up, can you go back to Snotlout and dig a spot near the edge of the cliff? We can then use that spot at the base." Gobber asked of us, Adrian and Rowan was already on it by the time we got there, a large hole was seen next to the boys.

"That's not a bad hole. Not quite as good as when I dig them, but not bad for someone else." His attention shifted to something else for a second. "Drat... I see the disaster twins coming by to mock us. You need to talk to Tuffnut and get them out of here before they destroy our awesome plan." Snoutlout sneered." The twins must have overheard and immediately came with a response.

"We're here on much more interesting business. More mischievous business." Ruffnut snickered afterwards. "Uh, we were just making a hole? What's the big deal?" I questioned. "A hole? Oh no. That's not what we're here for.
That's right, sister. We're just hanging low after doing something quite devilish to Fishlegs. It might just drive him off the deep end!" Tuffnut exclaimed, he looked over his shoulder; then back to me.

"Speaking of someone 'off the deep end': I think Gobber's trying to catch your attention." I turned around and I already see a wall built and the catapult placed on the cliff. "Isn't she a beaut? I'm getting maudlin just looking at her. Oh, my girl, I look forward to the day when I can see you destroy our enemies as they try to ransack our town." As he looked across the horizon of clouds, it would only take a little while before they find us here.

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