Without an ounce of doubt, Johnny knew what the answer should be. "No, we don't want that."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Sonovan Lung was a model for us all—a man of complete humility. I will not make the same mistakes he once did. So no, but thank you, sir." Johnny internally celebrated that he could utter such words so confidently.

"I agree," Ryan confirmed. He nodded at Johnny and gave him a thumbs-up.

"So do I," added Sam. "Dustin would too."

"Titan was right," Rose interjected abruptly. The others, including the President, shot her a double-take.


"He was right. This place. This society. It's bent on fame and eminence. I remember with clarity my time with him, and to be honest, he was right about lots of things. I know he was misguided in how he went about it, but he was still right."

The others froze for several seconds. "Uh, I guess she has a point there," Ryan eventually conceded through a frown.

"You're right, Rose," Jane responded. "But please. You almost sounded like Titan himself for a bit there."

"My inner Justice," she replied. "It's always there."

Ryan chuckled uneasily, wishing to move on. "Anyway, I don't think it's a good idea."

"How about only two?" Johnny asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Only two monuments. For Sonovan Lung. Just two. One in New York, outside the United Nations Headquarters, and one in this HQ you have ready for us."

Ryan glanced toward Johnny, who in turn glanced towards the rest of his team. Jane nodded first. "Let's do it," she said. "I like that."

"I do too," Ryan said.

"Great idea," Rose said, nodding once.

"Excellent! I will have it ordered ASAP."

"Actually, Mr. President, can we have one more order?" Sam cut in.

"Go on."

"Can you possibly forge one for my brother? Just for our HQ."

"It will be my honor."

* * *

When The Shadowforce arrived in Manhattan, they filed into an FBI van headed to the secret headquarters. Traffic was dense and people were crowding the streets. Nevertheless, the van made it safely to its destination. "In there," the driver pointed. Once parked, they jumped out and entered the apartment, which was unoccupied and clearly abandoned.

"So, where are the goodies?" Ryan asked the agent, Frank.

"Follow me." The group stuck together closely until they arrived at a door. Frank took out a keycard from his pocket, pressing it onto a scanner. The light went green, and the door, to what seemed to be an elevator, opened.

Once inside, Frank pressed the button corresponding to the bottom floor, labeled 'SF.' Rubbing his hands vigorously, Ryan glanced at Sam, who uncrossed his arms, though still with an unhappy expression. Two levels below the main floor of the apartment, the elevator opened, prompting its passengers to exit with a low beep. "We are here," Frank said, opening his arms wide to showcase the enormity of the space.

Their clandestine residence was packed with numerous screens, computers, radios, communication devices, cameras, and—ironically—a few agents.

Sauntering over to a few chairs, encircling a hexagonal base with three computers and their screens, Johnny was enamored with the technology the government had supplied. They had connected the screens to the hexagonal base which ascended into the ceiling.

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