Chapter Ten: This Ain't Gonna Go Well

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Gabe and Callie were walking down the street. They talked about the... situation Of Gabe Being Covered In Green Magenta (or pink) And Lime Green Ink.
"Tell me pleeeeeeaaaase Gabe!"
"Because I'm a dick and don't wanna talk about it"
"I'll do ANY-"
"Where have YOU two been?!"
Gabe and Callie turned to see... a very VERY angry Marie. "Oooh shit..." Gabe mumbled "h-hey Marie nice seeing you here." Marie gave him a scowl "DON'T SAY HEY TO ME ZTLOF!" She hollered at him "YOU TWO HAVE BEEN GONE FOR 7 HOURS! AND HERE I FIND YOU TWO WALKING AND TALKING! AND YOU GABE... WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN INK?!"
"Its a looooooooooooooong story Squid"
And with that they all went home.

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