Although presently invisible, Sonovan beamed—his training was being put to good use. Ryan recognized an opening to unhook the cord that connected to his head. "Take this, you tall bastard! Johnny, do it!"

Titan had turned in time and elbowed Ryan in the ribs. The strike sent him crashing onto the impossibly clean, mirror-like floor. "You are nearly as powerful as I, Slade," he said, "but not enough."

Sam seized the chance and froze Titan on the spot. The ice crept up his leg and began to engulf his body.

Meanwhile, Justice was dealing with Jane and Dustin. Every attack Justice threw was pushed away by air. For her, it was frustrating. That was obvious due to the excessive number of growls. She was almost animalistic in her behavior.

Jane stepped in front of him to shove her back. Instead, Justice jumped over both of them and landed behind their shoulders. She kicked Dustin and spun into yet another side-kick onto Jane's back. Jane flew into Dustin at a high speed.

Titan, frozen on the ground and vulnerable, bellowed, "Justice!"

She rotated her head and saw Titan in ice. Instinctively, she blasted him with a dose of pure fire, melting his icy prison. Telekinesis did the rest, and the frozen shards floated from his body.

Johnny advanced in earnest, aiming for the wire, but Titan was ready once again. "No, you will never succeed, Sparks," he replied, grabbing Johnny by the throat.

With the distraction, Ryan and Sam attempted to attack again. Ryan leapt from his position and would have landed a punch if Titan had not stopped them both; one hand stopping Ryan, the other Sam. He shoved them to the floor once again.

Johnny, Sam, and Ryan attempted another attack, but it was too late. Titan raised his arms, and along with them, a clear, telekinetic shield formed around his body, impervious to any melee attack. They were repelled like mosquitoes.

Jane got up and froze Justice. She also shoved Titan away from her compatriots. Dustin mimicked her by causing a hurricane-force stream of air on Titan and Justice. She slammed into the glass, and so did Titan. He grunted from the pain, and the indignity of being caught off guard. Not even his telekinetic shield could protect him from a focused blast such as that.

Their will is very strong, he perceived. After all, they had nearly broken through my own mind—though they are not strong enough to tread the full distance. Not yet, at least.

Jane again latched onto Titan. Her first idea was to face plant him into the floor.

"Your power is not strong enough," he replied. Her eyes widened and his hand rose. "Strong, but not strong enough. You are nothing without the Ooris gifted to you—nothing." Jane rose into the air with the motion of his hand. She shrieked as the force upon her neck increased drastically. Only seconds would pass before it crossed the threshold into fatality.

"No!" Johnny screamed. His body reacted to the adrenaline, catapulting him into Titan. It was a sufficient impact. Titan slammed into the glass again, but it still held fast.

Johnny relied on his reflexes and instincts alone from this point on. His reverse and hook punches, as well as a slew of roundhouse, hook, and front kicks were smooth and quick, and they did what he needed. After a rapid flurry of blows, he slid through Titan's legs and to the opposite side.

Sam was busy with Justice. At one point, the fight was a stalemate, but that quickly altered. Her anger burned like the fire she discharged as she floated high above the floor. She released her fiery attacks momentarily, and without warning, her feet pounded into the ground, closely followed by her fist. The force of the impact sent them both into the wall. It also lit the spot she had vacated in flames.

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