Entry xiv

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Ashton's POV. (Thursday)

So I went to the funeral, even though I didn't want to. I don't want to be here, but he's my best friend, I have to be here. Half look so sarrow, half looks so sympathetic. Did half of them ever care about the amazing lilac haired boy who passed away or had they come because they knew the parents and were just invited? I wanted to scream, people saying sorry for the loss, people saying he didn't deserve this. Of course he didn't he was only 18, he deserved to grow up with his boyfriend and live happy, adopt kids. I didn't know who his boyfriend was, but I always knew he had one.

I sat down watching people as they speak about Michael. What I didn't expect was the blond boy that was with Calum at the metro station to go up and speak. I didn't expect this boy to be here, let alone speak about Michael. How did he even know Michael?

The blond cleared his throat. His eyes were bloodshot red, like he's been crying for a long time. His skin pale, like he hadn't eaten, nor had he moved for a while. His lips trembling, like he was about to cry. His body shaking, like he had just seen a ghost. But why?

"I don't even know where to a start when it comes to Michael. Michael was a good friend, an amazing best friend and the most perfect boyfriend." A tear left his eye. He didn't wipe it, he continued to read.

I zoned out after the word 'boyfriend'. This guy who just happens to be Calum's friend also happens to be my best friend's boyfriend?

I didn't know how to feel. As his best friend it killed me to see him gone, to not be able to have him around anymore. This dude had lost his boyfriend, and from the way he looked, he really did care for him. I couldn't imagine how it would feel to lose your boyfriend, and I didn't want to imagine it.

Once the funeral came to an end, I looked for the blond who dated my best friend. He looked tired, sad, like every good thing that's ever happened to him was taken away from him. I gave him a hug, despite the fact he did not know me nor did I know him. He hugged back. His body shook violently, I patted his back. He cried on my shoulder, I let him.

"I loved him," he whispered. I said nothing.

N/A someone asked for muke??? U get a little bit?? Ish

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