Chapter 1

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,,Hello Mrs. Alchemist" the voice of my nightmares greeted me. With this god dammed grin I've come to hate.
,,I am no Alchemist" I screamed in full blooded murder.
This was the first thing I heard of it after one year. One year of constant fear. One year of waiting it will take everything I have. One year oft waiting that it will make me do a favor.
I just kept starring at the floor because I couldn't look at it big wide grin it always had. This white Smokey beeing that had my finger on its hand and its almost haunting grin. The grin my nightmares were made of.
„What do you want now?" I asked Truth or God or what ever name it has defeated.
„Don't you remember the deal we had?" „as if I would forget that day." Or deal I added in my mind regretfully. I asked it the question that came always to me when I was thinking of that night. The night that changed me completely.
„What deal should I do for the almighty god?" I asked it finally able to voicing this question. „First You Need to know there is more than one world. And in one is a creature that escaped from this realm. It is your quest to bring this creature to me. You will become my champion. That means you will be able to set your self free of alchemical right„ Many questions swam around my head like why me? Why after all this time? And why no one else? I only rang my self through voice one sarcastic one,,like Jesus?" ,,Yes" it answered and laughed. „You Ms Al-che-mist could have asked anything about this and that is what you als. You really amuse me." It laughed more. My only come back to this was: „I am no Alchemist" I need to retrieve the devil for god and be like Jesus. Me the not religiousest person in the world, or rather Universum should help god. „Why me?" „Because you don't think your self above everyone and you would do anything for other people to survive." It clarified. „I don't think so, I'm no good person it was selfish of me to put my friends through something like this-," ,,but you learned your lesson" truth interrupted me. ,,when will this start?" „right after I showed you everything of the past and the future" „and why should I help you I don't see what I get for that!" I said voicing my anger. „You could get what you wanted as you tried to bring back the person you loved so much." „Just like that no consequences?" „No consequences only that you are not allowed to go back to your world" „What?! I am not allowed to go back?! Never?" Why is god so cruel? Why? I would never see her smile again or have fun with my friends. „Never and you can not make another deal so you aren't asked you are directed to do as I say or the deal with your friends will be taken back again. Do you understand this Ms Al-Che-mist? Ok?" ,,Ok?" I said bewildered. Never going back? Well that's my fault because it was my fault from the start. That's when the gate behind me opened and the black hands returned and grabbed me. I can't even describe what I saw in there. It was horrible and beautiful at the same time. And at the end I saw really everything. When I mean everything I mean I saw the truth about life it self. As the gate threw me out truth said ,,Now you know everything you need to know but this will need a price of you" and after this my foot started to dissemble and replace it self on his foot or more where his foot would have been. „but you already took a price!" I complained, but it fell on deaf ears.
„That's the price for you, and now the price for your friends" it said and again the millions of black hands grabbed me and dragged me though this damn gate. And again was knowledge pressed in to me. Knowledge of the person I would be in this other world. It felt like hours as the hands threw me out again. „Now you know everything you need to know. See you soon mrs Al-che-mist" „I am no Alchemist!" I screamed as the grin and laughter of truth faded away.
Everything got black. There was just blackness and quietness. No notices or colors. Only blackness and my thoughts. Not even smell. What will I do when my mission is completed? Will I make new friends? Will I even find a family? A girlfriend or a boyfriend? Do I even want one? And how will I cope with never seeing anyone I know? Anyone that knows me? Suddenly the weight of what the deal contains dropped on me. I will be completely alone. The dark abyss got even more dreadful. Why am I even here? Why am I not in this new world? Am I already in the new world? How should I find someone in this darkness? I tried to walk. Nothing. I tried to swim. Nothing. I tried to punch or kick or do anything. But nothing. My body did not move. What if god lied to me and this is my punishment? Do I deserve this? Or am I even dead and this is where dead people land? In a cold quiet abyss of full darkness. Without a way to do anything to only think and never do anything? I tried to open my eyes. But I couldn't. Or are my eyes already open and I don't know it because I can't hear or see a thing? Not even smell or taste. I tried to calm down. I suddenly felt very tiered. Should I sleep? I mean there is nothing I could do so sleeping is the only thing that I could do.

There is a quiet humming as I got conscious again. Why is there suddenly noise? Did the sleeping help me to hear something? The humming got louder and louder till it was a annoying loud noise. I tried to hold my ears but my body would still not move. Not even my fingers. After a time which felt like hours even oft it could have been only minutes the humming stoppen and the nothingness was back. After this loud sound I welcomed it. I tried to sleep again and after some time I was sleeping again.

Again I woke up but this time it wasn't the humming this time it was the sudden coldness. I was freezing. Every part of my body trembled. I never felt this cold before. And suddenly it went a way. And it was warm for some time but then it got really cold again.  Land then warm. This kept repeating it self till I slept again. I comforting dreamless sleep.

I was awakened this time by agonizing warmth. I tried to scream but no sound came through. I was burning. It felt as if ever fiber in my body was burning. The loud humming came back. After another period of time everything stopped again. And I felt fuzzy and warm again.   I got suddenly very tired again. I tried not to sleep and see what will happen but I could not fight against it. I fell again in a dreamless sleep.


Yes I'm back after a long break. But because of the Corona crisis in Germany the schools shut down and I have nothing to do for 5 weeks so I will take on writing again. I don't know how often I will post something.

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