Chapter 2

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The loud humming was back. But this time I could also smell. It was a really clinical smell. It was the smell of a hospital. And again the sound got louder and louder till I wished it would just stop. Then the no sound again but the smell was still there. I got sleepy really fast and after some time the dreamless pit of sleep took over me again.
I awoke with a start of a sound again. I could still smell. And I could even move my fingers now. They felt as if millions of needles were poking them but I could feel them again. Then the humming came back to my mind. The humming got louder and suddenly I realized it were voices that I was hearing. I could make out words individually. But I don't know what they were saying directly. I tried to open my eyes again. But it was as if they were glued together. I tried again. And again. And again.
And suddenly I could open them slowly. I could see colors again. Everything was bright. Too bright. But this was better than eternal darkness. I could move my head and hands. I tried to sit up and it worked. I could move again. I looked around and there were beds to both sides. In the beds beside me there were not only soldiers but Women and children. Normal civilians. And not just amestrian ones but Ishvalians too.
In the bed to my left was a man with a bandage around his head. And to my right was a man with a bandage around his chest. It seemed as if he was shot. Tried to move my legs but a huge pain shot through my left one. I looked down but saw nothing. There was only one foot and the other one was just gone. Then I remembered. Truth took my foot. But why was more than my foot gone? Where is the rest of my lower leg?
"Ah you woke up" said a woman's voice. I looked up from my no longer existing foot and saw a beautiful little aged woman with striking blue eyes and blond hair that was in a bun. She handed me a glass water which I quickly drank. "Where am I?"I asked her. "In a camp for injured. We found you near the battle front. You were nearly bleeding out." She told me slowly so that I could understand. As if I was a toddler.
"yeah I somehow lost my foot...but where is my lower leg?" "We needed to take a part of because your leg got infected. You had a few times high fevers." "Oh ok. Well at least I pulled through. But when can I get a prothesis?" "As soon as my husband comes back, he will discuss with you some possibilities. Like a automail."she told me in an understandable pace.
Automail I suddenly knew what that was. And I even knew why I was here. Truth put me here as a State Alchemist in a war zone. I was put here because this thing I need to stop triggered this civil war.
"What is your Name?"I asked her. "My Name is Sarah Rockbell and yours?" was her counter question. "Mine is Carter Adam"
In just that moment the door got opened and a man with blond hair and blue eyes came in "It's crazy outside they are searching for a Freezing Alchemist and everywhere are soldiers. He is apparently a State Alchemist." The man was obviously Sarahs husband.
" you have crutches that I could borrow anywhere?" I awkwardly answered the unsaid question. „You are this Alchemist? But you are too young?!" Sarah said. „I get that often I took the exam at the age of 17" „and your parents let you?" „my grandmother took care of me. But back to the crutches can I lend some from you? Or can you give me material that I could use to make some?" "we currently don't have any crutches but we could bring you some wood to make some" "Thank you. I need to go as soon as possible or they think I died got kidnapped, again, or they think I deserted." I said.
I didn't even expect that people were out there searching for me. What would my grandmother of this world think of me if I wouldn't even try to write a letter soon. I know what. She would be really disappointed.
The doctor couple sent the ne of there helpers of to get the ingredients I needed to make a pair of crutches. I searched for my things so I could stand up and go as soon as possible to my team.
The boy with the wood came back. As I just put on my military uniform. " Ok, thanks. Put it over there I need to draw a transmutation circle first. Do you have calk or something with which I can write with?" I asked them. "We have pencils.." "that is perfect" they gave me one they had in one of their pockets. I drew a quick circle with the right compositions on the floor and then put the wood on them. I aktivstes it. The bright blue lightning cracked and the wood put it self as crutches together. They nearly looked as if they weren't transmuted. "They look nearly perfect." Sarah's husband said. "Where at my manners Carter Adam at your service" I put out my hand for him to take. " my name is Yuri Rockbell" "thank you very much for flicking me back together. But the soldiers out there need their wells deserved rest. I hope I could meet you as soon as possible so we could speak about Automail for me." I told Yuri.
I slowly got up on one leg and put the crutches in the right place. "Till another time Mrs and Mr Rockbell" is said to the married couple.
I got out of there and put on my cap.
I needed to put a guard out on the front for them so no one could do anything against them. They risked their life so I could have one.
Shit. I owe them a big one.
I looked around to all the soldiers around the streets. "Hey you over there" I called to one of the soldiers. He turned around. "What do you-" he just saw what my rank was and saluted."What is your name Private?" "Eric Davidson, sir" he said. And you could clearly hear the fear out of him. " what are you doing here private Davidson?" I asked him"we were ordered to find the State Alchemist Carter Adam the Freezing Alchemist."
I needed to hold back my laughter at that.
"Well consider your self lucky Private Davidson you found him. Can you show me the way back to the camp?" I asked him calmly. But bursting out of laughter on the inside. "Colonel Adam sir" he saluted and walked beside me.
He walked me through the from war destroyed streets. I didn't see one house which wasn't destroyed. We did that. We State Alchemists did that. No. I did that.
But I did not only destroyed houses I hurt and killed people. But I needed to protect my people. I tried to save as many people as I could in only harming them without killing but that did not work fully.
We turned up to the camp. There were so many people running around. I even saw some State Alchemists. Some people saluted me as they saw me.
I limped with my self made crutches over to the commanding tent. I turned to the private. "Private Davidson I have a special mission for you and one of your comrades of your choice. That will be go back to that house where we came from and guard the doctors there. You will change every 5 hours so you can eat and sleep and do other things. Do this till they go back to their home. Do you understand your mission Private?" "Yes sir!" He saluted"You can go now and pack your things because after this mission you and your comrade are allowed to go back home for a leave of absence." "Thank you sir" with that he saluted and went away to pack his things I hope.
In the opening of the tent I already saw a few faces I recognized.
They all saluted me as I got in side which is clearly normal because I had the highest rank in this tent.
I looked at my watch. It was already evening. "Good evening lady's and gentlemen. I know I've been away for a while but you can stop the search for me or my body. I'm alive and nearly complete." I said with a straight face. "What happened in my absence?" Roy Mustang the Flame Alchemist spoke up"Major Solf Kimblee the red lotus alchemist was taking in custom for treason we wanted you to decide what will happen to him." "He will be courtmartialed and the generals will decide what happens to him. Something else?" This time Jack Crowley the Silver Bullet Alchemist spoke up " the ishvalan spokesman wanted to speak to you and make a peace treatment." "Ok thanks when wanted he to do that? " "the next day in the morning the situation with you got geared up, sir" "Perfect something else that requires quick treatment?" I asked around. " nothing that's good maybe tomorrow we are at peace and go back home. Good work lady's and gentlemen. Really good work. You can step away for today." Hallelujah finally I could sleep again.
I crippled to my tent. Sat on my Baracke and cramped my drawing pad out. I started the Skizze of her. I drew til it got dark out side and I got sleepy. I put off my jacked and trousers. Just in that time Roy Mustang and Maes Hughes came in. I groaned in frustration. "I just want to sleep" I whined. "Can't we visit our best friend who we haven't heated or seen and has been away for two week?" Asked Maes with a wide grin. "Two week?! I've been away for two freaking weeks?!" "Yes didn't you know that?" "No I was in some kind of coma the whole time because such a creepy ishvalan alchemist tried to kill me. But he only got my foot." I said casual and grumpy. "I just wanted Tobakes what happened to your leg but you already told us. Why were you even out ther? You are the commanding officer in the war you need to stay back and command the troops." Maes scolded me. "I just didn't want anymore casualties on it side than we already had. And it worked out didn't it?" I asked them. "Yes but you could have left it to me to go directly to the front."Roy tried to appease the situation"Yes I know but many we can get back in the next week. Oh Maes do you have new photos of Gracia?" "Oh surly. There is my godsend angel. Isn't she just beautiful?" He showed me many new photos of her"Yes absolutely gorgeous. Imagine what happened if I didn't forced you to go out with her." "Please don't I could never imagine how lonely I would be" "hey Roy how is Riza?" "What which Riza?" He asked dumbfounded." The Riza Hawkeye the girl that follows every step you take?" "Oh you mean the daughter of my old master" "No the Riza Hawkeye that strips down the road. Yes the daughter of your master." "Carter you know I have only set my eyes on a black haired beauty." He flirted and I just rolled my eyes. "You know that this wouldn't work out between us" is said to him "But we could try" he said to me and moved closer to me. "That's the part where I go. Good night you two." "Wait Maes don't leave me here alone with this dork" but Maes didn't stop. Roy moves even closer and hugged me close to him. "Do you even know how much I missed you?" Roy said and kissed my neck "I can only imagine." I said an let him do his magic.

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