"Fine, be that way." Katherine snaps, walking away. We watch her go with amused looks on our face.

"I so love you." Damon smiles, pulling me into his lap. I laugh and lean up against him. I roll my eyes when I see Stefan and Elena giving us disapproving looks. Haven't they gotten over that by now?


"It's not safe for you to be out here all alone Arianna." I would recognize that emotionless tone anywhere. What is Isobel doing here?

"What do you want?" I glare, standing up off the bench.

"You should be inside with your sister accepting that award." Isobel smiles, but it's one of her emotionless ones. She never smiles genuinely. I don't think she physically knows how.

"I should." I answer, narrowing my eyes at her. What is she implying?

"I think you know what I'm going to do, don't you? You're very smart." she smirks, taking a step closer to me.

"I do. Can I object to it?" I sigh, really not in the mood to be kidnapped today.

"No, you can't." then everything goes dark.




I look at Elena who is sitting rigidly next to me, while Isobel and her hot French pet are up in the front. If only he wasn't gay...

"Why am I always getting kidnapped? Couldn't you have just taken Elena or something?" I ask, causing Elena to glare at me. Hey, she never gets kidnapped, it's always me. It's so unfair.

"I needed you both." Isobel answers.

"Why? So you could drag us to some safe-house and keep us prisoner? Damon and Stefan will find us." Elena warns, glaring at Isobel.

"I'm not dragging you to a safe house Elena." Isobel sighs, right as the car pulls up in front of Mystic Falls cemetery. Elena and I both frown at each other, not understanding what is going on.

Isobel's pet opens up the door, but I am hesitant to get out. Isobel looks back at us, "Just because I can't compel you two, doesn't mean I can't force you to come with me." I roll my eyes and hop out of the car, not wanting her to take forceful matters.

"So is that what happened? You were compelled to betray Katherine?" Elena demands. Uh...what? She betrayed Katherine? Who compelled her? I am so freaking confused right now.

"If I was, I couldn't tell you." Isobel answers.

"So you lied? You did find Klaus? He knows where Aria and I are now. Are you taking us to him?" Elena questions, making me slightly less confused. So I'm guessing she found Klaus and he compelled her to do something. Probably take us to him. Not good...

Isobel ignores Elena, bending down in front of a tomb stone, wiping away some dead leaves. I raise my eyebrows when I notice the tombstone is hers. Why is she bringing us here?

"My parents, your grandparents, put this here when it became clear that the police weren't going to find my body. They visit very week, and they bring flowers. Even though there is no one buried here." Isobel smiles, like actually smiles...I didn't know she could do that. "The Isobel they knew is dead, so maybe there is a part of me buried here. The human part, the part I abandoned when I choose to become a vampire. The part that use to dream about that day she would know her daughters." Elena and I look over at her quizzically, not knowing if she is lying or not. I don't think she is, she sounds genuine.

"What?" Elena whispers.

Isobel shrugs, "Instead you got to meet the other part...the part that would betray her own flesh and blood." Isobel's phone rings in her pocket and she pulls is out.

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