Chapter 35 : End. VIII - Kisaragi Village

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I jumped at Sasuke’s back, forcing him to give me a piggy back ride. I’m dead tired right now. The adrenaline rush from earlier had left me so I am already feeling different pains all over my body right now.  Sasuke, thankfully, stopped pushing me away from his back so I rested my head on his shoulder. I really can’t move right now.

“Thanks.” I murmured at him as we, I mean, they, started walking inside the headquarters. I kept my ears activated as we continued infiltrating the place. I could help by telling them if there's an incoming enemy if ever. Sure I still have a lot of chakra reserved but my body hurts like hell right now that I can't even make a hand sign without scrunching my face. I don't know any medical jutsu to heal myself which sucks right now. I made a mental note to ask Lady Tsunade to teach me with medical ninjutsus when we get back. It's good for every team to have a medic nin right?

“Mami, do you have anything of your father’s things with you?” Sensei asked at Mami who was in front of us.

“Yes, sir.” She answered and brought out a necklace, some pieces of cloth tied on it.

Kakashi nodded and summoned Pakkun for the second time. Pakkun had disappeared after he got a hold of Nami’s scent and after he brought them to her. He told Kakashi that he needed to go back as soon as possible saying that he was in the middle of doing something.

“You called again?” Pakkun said, sitting at the ground. His eyes travelled to me. “The student of yours is beaten up.”  

“Hey. I wasn’t prepared! I don’t have my weapons with me thanks to a certain someone.” I answered Pakkun back and glanced at Chi who glared at me.

“Sorry Nami-chan! I forgot to bring your weapons with me.” Sakura apologized.

“Hey! It wasn’t you who I was talking about Sakura!” I shook my hand at her.

“Pakkun, can you track where the owner of this cloth is?” Kakashi intervened and leaned over to Pakkun. He borrowed Mami’s Father’s cloth and let Pakkun sniff out its scent and track wherever the owner is.

“Got it. Follow me.” Pakkun started running inside and we followed. There were a few turns we made and after a few minutes we arrived in a large cell.

“Father!” Mami called out and ran towards the cell.
“Mami?” A male voice called out.

My eyes widened when I suddenly heard something and caught Mami by the back of her shirt. I pulled her back with much force than necessary that made the Sasuke and I tumble back with Mami.

“What’s wrong with you, Nami?” Sasuke said, dusting himself off. Sakura and Mami helped me stand and lean on them. 

“There’s something wrong with the cell.” Pakkun told all of us. And with that, some people emerged from the cell itself. They merged themselves on the steel and gave them a wake-up call when they felt a stranger chakra go near the cage. It wasn’t a person. Well, not a person anymore. It looked like it had been experimented. There were two of them. Standing eight feet tall and big chunk of muscles on their arms and legs, nerves popping out from their skin. They had fangs and their hairs were falling out from their heads which left a part of their head, bald. It had some weird things that I don’t even know what to call them, sticking out from their backs.

It took a step forward and made all of us take a step back. It screeched loudly, all of us covering our ears like our lives depended on it. Pakkun had already disappeared, it looked like he didn’t take this creature’s loud screeches. They suddenly stopped. The next thing I knew was both the girls beside me gasped in surprise as the three of us got slammed on the wall behind us by some large chunk.

(EDITING) The Little Koizumi Girl. *Naruto Fanfiction*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat