"Can you stay over at my house for a night?" I asked. I truly wanted him to be at my side. I was still afraid something with him would somehow fail, and there would be nothing I could do.

But I wasn't so sure if I was afraid or anticipating. So I leaned towards afraid.

"You don't have to worry about me, Tane. I-"

"Please." My voice had redused to barely a whisper. I had grabbed his hand, and I could only look down. He put his other hand under my chin to make me look at him.

"Alright." He whispered back. I forced a dry smile.

"Itachi." Fugaku had stepped next to Itachi, ignoring me. He slowly turned his head to his father, not taking away any contact from me.

"Yes, Father?"

"You must go home at once." Itachi glanced at me from the corner of my eye, and my heart pounded so hard, it overflowed the other sounds in my ears for a few seconds.

"I'm not going home tonight, Father." Fugaku raised an eyebrow at his disobediant son.

"And why is that? Has the hospital requested you stay with them more one more night?" Itachi shook his head, and I gave a faint cough. For once, the head of the clan acknowledged me, but gave me a posionous look. I pursed my lips and shrugged.


"This is not debatable, Father. Tane?" Itachi stood up, leaning on his crutches he was given for a few days, and held out what he could of his hand. I followed his actions and grabbed his hand, then nodded towards Fugaku.

"Lord Fugaku." I dared before walking slowly out of the room with Itachi. I finally felt safe to talk with him once we exited the building.

"You're father's gonna be-"

"He already is fed up with me, Tane. I can't do anything about it. But I...I don't mind leaving our house for a while." I nearly smiled.

"Do you mind if I ask you something, Itachi?" He didn't respond, so I continued.

"If your father wasn't planning this...coup, then do you think you'd have a better relationship with him? With your whole family?" Itachi's walking slowed, if that was even possible anymore, as he thought about it.

"I'm not sure. Before the nine tails attack, my father was still a strict man, being the head of the clan. And I was still..." I nodded. He didn't have to finish. I knew the answer.

We walked in silence the rest of the way. It felt like forever that night, and I just wanted to hear him speak. That was all. Just...listen.

"Here." I whispered, unexpectedly, when we arrived in front of my house. I stopped before the steps, messing with my fingers nervously as I bit my lip and stared at the emptiness of the place, momentarily forgetting about Itachi all together. My heart sunk in my chest and I felt like weeping for ages. Then he put a hand on my shoulder, and the tears receded.

"Tane." I nodded, and started walking up the steps without looking at him.

When I got inside, I turned on the lightswitch and sighed heavily. The cold around me was overwhelming, and I could barely sense Itachi's presence next to me again. Though, his hand was still on my shoulder and so I could still tell that he was there. I smally smiled and grabbed his hand that was on my shoulder. I locked our fingers and helped Itachi to the couch so he could sit down. I sat down on the loveseat accross from him and curled up into a ball.

"I have an extra bedroom upstairs, it's-" I stopped short, choking on my words. It's the one my brother would've had.

"You can use that." I whispered, putting my head down. I closed my eyes and scolding myself for nearly mentioning my brother. He nodded, and I rushed up to my room, quickly locking the door and breaking a hole the size of my head in the wall with my fist. It took everything in me not to scream.

I hated myself for not being able to defend my family. My brother. I just couldn't even begin to forgive myself for their deaths. I felt responsable.

I sighed, feeling the waterfall under my eyes and opened the window. I leaned out of it halfway, enjoying the cold breeze flowing through my long, done up hair. I pulled out the ponytail and put it around my wrist, letting the wind shape my hair.

I heard a knock on the door and wiped the tears from my face and my eyes. I walked over to the door, opened it, and leaned against the frame. Itachi stood in front of me, dressed in night clothes. I mentally smiled at how the clothes he stashed here still fit him.

"Hi." I let him inside, and he sat on the bed and I with him.


"You don't have to say it, Itachi." The look in his eyes was enough. I could tell that he was going to apologize, as he always did. He was going to say sorry for everything, he was going to apologize for my life. I didn't need him too.

"If anyone should be sorry here, it's me. Your father is fuming with rage for me. And me being around you doesn't help. You being around me doesn't help...it makes it worse." He took my hand in his, and made me look him in the eye. I couldn't read them.

"Neither of us should apologize." He whispered, stroking small circles on the back of my hand.

"Tane, I-" He was inturrupted by and urgent knocking at the front door. I somehow knew exactly who it was, and rushed down to the door, throwing it open. I was disappointed with what I saw.

"Tane." Her smile was warm, the child at her side....

Looked. Like. Me.

"How do you know me?" I asked, gripping hard at the door while giving the woman a calm look.

"My name is Rena. I'm your aunt." I could feel the splinters appearing in my skin as I gripped the door harder.

"A-and who is this?" I tried to sound calm. I could feel Itachi's presence behind me, where Rena couldn't see him.

"Come on, Kiuya, don't be shy. She's your big sister, after all." My eyes widened and I dropped to my knees with a large thump. Itachi appeared at my side and tried to get me to stand back up, whispering something in my ear. I didn't want to move, I just stared at the little kid, the one claimed to be Kiuya. Everything was frozen and slow.

"Oh, my!" Rena yelled, holding her hand out to me and trying to get me to stand up. I couldn't take it, though. I also couldn't take my eyes off of Kiuya's face.

"K-kiu..." My voice faltered at a whisper, unable to get any words out. Soon, I obeyed to Itachi's wishes and stood up, leaning on him. I stared at the dark haired boy with sad black eyes, hiding behind his aunt.


A/N: Sooooo...there's that?

*cough* Well...yeahthere'sthat.

So in my daze of sickness and headache I'm kinda just wanna nope out of this but I will not BECAUSE IT'S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE i'VE UPDATEED

*cough cough cough cougHIDY COUGH COUGH COUGH*

Well before I get too much out of hand Imma goo....

I'll see you all in the next chapter!!! Thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed!

~Stephanie ;)

Life (Naruto Fanfic) ~Itachi Love Story~  -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now