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"Yami, take the left! Kozu, take the right! I'll hit him head on!" I leaped out of the brush and knocked down our target, my katana to his throat.

"You didn't even need us." Yami complained, heaving out a big sigh.

"Yami, don't you remember? He's not the only person!" I yelled angrily. He instantly turned around and struck the man attacking him, his byakugan active.

"Kozu?" I yelled, not spotting the red haired Uzumaki.

"Over here!" He yelled, lifting up his target in the air. The strength of him scared me to no end.

"Surrender, and you won't have to die." I growled at the man below me. He chuckled.

"Oh my dear. It's quite cute, you know. I've heard legends of the elite ANBU, Tane of the leaf, and Uchiha. But I never imagined you to be so beautiful." I growled again and eased my blade closer to his throat, drawing a small amount of blood.


"No can do, sweetheart. My friends will be here soon."

"Kozu! Yami! Do it!" I yelled, not hesitating to release my blade from the mans throat, and instead drive it into his eye.

"I'll give you one more chance. Your 'friends' are dead, I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Looks like you already did." The look he gave me is one I would not soon forget. However, I didn't think about it as I dragged my blade across his neck, causing the look to fade and his eyes go dull.

I shoved myself off of him, and grabbed the scroll out of his hands. I opened it, only to be disappointed.

"Dammit!" I yelled, throwing the empty scroll deep into the forest ahead.

"Again? What's so important about the actual scroll we're trying to get? What's in it?" I shook my head, and sheathed my sword, turning around and starting to walk.

"That is not what is important here. You don't question a mission." I scoled the eternally complaining Yami.

"Even if the mission has failed more than twenty times?" I stopped and turned around.

"I never thought I'd hear that from you, Kozu."

"Look, we aren't like you, Tane. We aren't Uchiha, and we definitely wouldn't give our lives for a lost cause." Kozu defended. I sighed, staring angrily at my feet.

"You don't understand, Kozu. This team was created for this mission. Our superiors knew that this mission would fail multiple times. And frankly, so should you."

"Tane, I don't understand why you're so hooked on the idea that this mission will bring back y-"

"It won't, I know that!" I snapped, knocking down Yami. He stared at me, surprised. I sighed, and turned back around and started walking again.

"It doesn't matter anyway. Let's go." Who knew what Danzo was going to do next, that bastard.


"The mission failed, Lord Danzo." I bowed, not daring to look in the old man's eyes.

"As expected. Next time, don't fail, Tane. That's an order." I didn't respond, knowing that each one wouldn't release the doubt in his mind. Not just in his, but in mine, as well.

"You are dismissed." I didn't stand until I heard his footsteps completely fade away, and when I did, I walked out of the building without a word.

"Hey, Tane!" Yami ran after me.

Life (Naruto Fanfic) ~Itachi Love Story~  -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now