"We can't all be as perfect as Mike." Vic said bitterly under his breath.

"I was hoping you would have gotten over this phase with the male humans." Said Vic's father. This just made Vic tighten his grip even more.

"You know I can't decide which souls I connect with." Vic seethed, his hold getting tighter and tighter. I was starting to become more painful by the second. I slid my hand over his, rubbing it soothingly so maybe he would calm down. I was kind of surprised at what was going on to be honest. It was like a normal family, with a judgmental father and an angsty son. It wasn't until Vic's father started a conversation with someone else did Vic let go of me. He placed his hands on the table, clutching at his knife and fork. That was another strange thing about being here; they still ate just like humans do. Jack told me that the demons could see what happens up there and they adopt some ways of life, and they still needed to eat. Of course they didn't have all of the food that humans have, but with a click of their fingers they could, which is what just happened. Vic's father clicked his fingers and a moment later the table was flooded with plate upon plate of food; more food than I have ever seen at one time in my life.

"Eat." Vic ordered me. I looked around the table and I saw everyone else had begun to eat, so I decided to as well. This was strange; a family dinner with demons and terrified looking souls. I wanted to know more about these demons though.

"Want to give me a devil/demon history lesson?" I asked Vic quietly. He shot a glare at me because I had spoken even though he hadn't told me too. I didn't forget about the rule, I was just ignoring it. Vic didn't say anything about it though.

"Alright, so you've already kind of met my father, Lucifer. He's what you would call the 'top dog' around here. He runs the show. Then you've got his, I guess, sister and brother; Lilith and Satan." He said and pointed to a woman who was two seats away from Lucifer, and a man who was two seats away from her. He had completely skipped by the people sitting next to them. Were they souls too? "Those three were the first creatures to roam hell with no recollection of how they were created. They just existed in adult form straight away. The people sitting to the right of them are the first souls they ever collected, who were then permanently made demons, for mating purposes."

"Mating purposes?" I asked. Is that even possible in the afterlife?.

"Yes. There are seven demon children, and seven alone. No more than that can be made. Here's an interesting fact for you though, each of us seven demons represent what you humans call the seven deadly sins." He told me.

"Oh?" I asked, showing some interest. I was shocked at how open he was being. Well I shouldn't really be shocked because he doesn't seem like the type of person to hold anything back.

"Yes, you see her?" He asked and pointed to the same girl who rolled her eyes at him earlier. "That's Siren, she represents Sloth. I'm actually surprised she's even here right now. Usually she's too lazy to attend these things and instead spends most of her time in her wing of the castle with her souls, messing with their feelings, as she says." The girl was still in the same position as before with her soul feeding her things. She looked like a queen with a slave.

"That," He said, pointing to a man. "Is Alex. He represents gluttony." I looked at the boy. He looked like he had a killer body. How in the world could he be gluttony? Aren't they supposed to eat a lot? As if reading my thoughts, Vic answered my question. "If you were a demon and had powers then you'd make yourself look as good as that too, right?" Point taken.

Vic moved along in a clockwise fashion to the next demon. A girl who was slender and wearing nothing but what looked like lingerie. She was excessively pale and had long platinum blonde hair. "That's Taylor, also known as envy. You don't want to make her jealous of anything because she can be a psycho bitch."

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