Chapter 3

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"Up." He ordered, getting up himself. I lay on my stomach on the bed still shuddering from the multiple orgasms I just had. How can he expect me to get up? I can't even think about walking right now. Why can't I just fall asleep here? His bed is so soft and warm, well actually everything is warm here.

"Now." He said a little sterner this time. "I know that was all well and fun for you, but now that that's over, let's get a few things straight." He came over to me and flipped me over onto my back before pulling me up by my wrists tightly. He pulled me to him, my naked body pressing against his which was now covered by his trademark red pants. I found myself feeling a bit disappointed that his clothes were back on. I don't exactly know why I felt like that. I had never had these types of obsessive thoughts about someone so quickly before.

"I own you now, that means you do what I say when I say it. Just because I pleasure you in bed doesn't mean we're, as you humans call them, 'friends'. Our relationship is that you are mine and I will fuck you when I want to, just like I fuck the others when I want to, understand?" He asked. His voice was a little condescending, like he was talking to a child or something and that pissed me off a little bit, but I just nodded before something clicked in my brain.

"Others?" I asked. His lips formed a wicked grin and he nodded slowly.

"Of course there are others. You can't possibly believe you're the only soul I've collected." He said. "Come, follow me." He added and he began walking to one of the two doors that were connected to his room. I followed him with shaky footsteps, wincing every now and again at the slight pain from the last half an hour. For a moment I wondered why he didn't just teleport us in there and then I figured it's probably because he wants me to know exactly where I'm going. When we got to the door he turned to me, his eyes scanning down my body.

"This just won't do." He muttered before snapping his fingers and in an instant I was wearing a pair of black satin boxer shorts. "Much better. I like my property to be in uniform." His property? I mean, I know he owns me but that makes me sound like an object. I guess that's what I am now. He turned back around and opened the door. I briefly heard chattering before there was complete silence. Vic stepped to the side of the door which allowed me to gaze into the room. It was a very large room and there were two rows of single beds; after a quick count I noted that there were twenty-four. Each bed was covered with the red satin, the same as Vic's bed. At the end of each bed there was a person standing in silence, all male, all looked to be in their late teens or early twenties and all of them were wearing the same thing as me. Only one bed was free of a person.

"Listen up, souls, we have a new comer." Vic said with amusement in his voice. "His name is Kellin and he's a little shy, but I'm sure he'll fit right in. Jack, fill him in on the rules, would you?" He made it seem like a request, but it was definitely an order. A man stepped forward from his bed. He was fairly tall with short black hair. He nodded at Vic before stepping into line. I feel like I'm in the military or something. "Good. Sleep well, peasants." With those final words Vic was gone in a puff of smoke.

The second he was gone everyone visibly relaxed and started chatting again, mostly about me. I found myself looking around aimlessly, wanting to go wherever Vic had gone. The boy, Jack, came over to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"That feeling will subside eventually." He said. I looked at him properly. He was a very handsome man and looked friendly. I felt like I was comfortable around him instantly.

"What feeling?" I asked.

"Well, the first few centuries you feel like you're, I guess, attached to him in a way, sired even, for lack of a better word. You'll feel like being wherever he is. It's just the affect he has on people, but don't worry, the feeling will fade." He said.

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