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Today my mum was going on about how I should go to New Zealand for a year so I can get the help I need because the Australian goverment can't help me because I am a kiwi and have disabilities. I always get compeared to my dad because of my disabilities, I have anxiety, I have Aspergers and dyslexia, only a few years ago I found out I have depression because a friend noticed it. I would even have suicidal thoughts if my mum was disapointed in me or just made me feel like shit, I felt worthless to her. When I tell her I think I should be on medacation she says I don't need it and if my dad didn't need it then I didn't need it. One time at school I had a painful headache for nearly a month, I asked her to take me to the doctors but she said it was just from me being on my phone for too long and when she finally set up an apointment she didn't tell my dad so he could take me, she worked late so I missed out on the apointment because she "forgot" so I delt with the pain until it stopped.

My mum makes me feel like I could never do anything,
Me- I want to be an actor
Mum- No you will get addicted to drugs
Me- I want to be a writter
Mum- It's a dead career and you'll never get anything out of it
Nearly everything I wanted to be she crushed, she says I won't go anywhere and how my life is I would have to marry a rich guy and I have told her I wouldn't want that. She doesn't believe I am depressed and says it's just being a teenager, when I tell her I will tried to kill myself she says I wouldn't and that's just stupid, when I have told her I have tried to cut myself she goes on that I'm just being stupid. I feel like she doesn't care at all, she says I'm like my dad and she has said to my sister when I'm in the room that my sister is her last hope, she doesn't expect my brother to do much and that she doesn't see a furture for me.

When I have wanted to be with my friends when she is working she tells me to stay home and watch my siblings but then complains that I need to get out more and that I don't need to watch my siblings but then still won't let me be with my friends when she is working. She works all the time and so does my dad, I feel like crap and only recently I lost my grandad who felt more like family then my real family and he wasn't even related to me by blood. I didn't want to come to the funeral or watch him get buried or even fly to New Zealand, they made me so I can be surounded by family but it just making me feel more depressed every moment I'm here.

My dad and mum want me to smile and stay in New Zealand for a year so I can get help knowing I dont get along with my grandmother and the only reason why I wanted to come here for a year so I can spend my last year with my grandad but he got worst and died. Now my mum is saying that I need to think about staying in New Zealand for a year so I can get help or when i turn 20 she wants me gone so she wants me out of the house so she can turn my room into another lego room for her. She might not have said that but she has so much lego and she goes on about once I move out my room will be filled with lego. She makes me feel like crap and I feel like I don't do anything right, everyone that knows me knows I'm a child spirit, I have an active imagination and I love stories but my mum wants me to grow up and act my age. She has never helped me to try and get a job or bost my confadience, my friends have done that, people online bost my confadince.

My dad says "A happy wife happy life"
My friend says to that "Happy Wife, Depressed kid, Happy life"

My friends are the ones that make me smile, they make me laugh and they make me want to live and be who I am, while my mum makes me feel useless, pointless and like I'm nothing. When I turn 20 it's clear she is kicking me out onto the streets, she says I could go live with a friend but I wouldn't want to do that so now all I feel like is she wants me gone, she wants me to not be around and that I'm just a mistake to her and she has never wanted me or cared about me. I want a job, I want to live my life, I know I want to be a writer, I know I can't aim for that right away because I don't have the confidence to do that right away, I want to move out and be free to be me but every moment I try I feel her bring me down to where I don't want to leave my bed, write and sometime I am just not eating at all. My mum helps so many families with autistic needs, she helps my siblings but I'm left alone because she says I need to help myself, how can I help myself when I don't know what to do, she says I don't have common sense but yet she says I have to figure everything out myself. The only time she has helped me was getting me to do volunteer work at a farm that people visited but my anxiety got worse because I was always left alone right away, she didn't care she said it was just me letting my anxiety take over. I was scared, I was alone, no one was there to surport me, no one talked me through anything I was scared, shaking and struggled to breath but both my parents said I needed to get over it and the person that owned the farm told me to throw it all outside the gate.

That didn't work, I'm a slave, I'm nothing but a empty shell, I feel out of place and that I don't belong, when I did something I loved and I knew that would help me at school that was a after school activity on one afternoon after school, mum was happy about it but then my mum would ask me to come home and babysit so I had to quite, my anxiety and depression got worse. The only people that are there for me are friends and they are more like family then my real family but then I don't know if I can call my birth family my family anymore, the only time my family have been there for me is if I'm crying, a boyfriend dumped me they are there for me, grandad died they are there for me and that's it. She might say that this is all bullshit but it isn't she told me that I would have to go live with a friend and i wouldn't do that because I don't want that and I wouldn't beable to pay for living with them. She wants me gone and every moment she goes on I feel one step closer to ending my life and she wouldn't care, she would just say she didn't see this coming but everyone that knows me would say that I have said this and told her how I felt but she will still act oblivious. She wants me gone and she says if she has to move to New Zealand to get me a job she doesn't care even though she has always told me that If I don't help dad he will make us move to New Zealnd and she doesn't want that and won't be impressed. She sees me as only a big disapointment and nothing else but then I guess that is all I will ever be to her

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