Stage Three After Your Break Up

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Well now this point you have started to get better but you moved into your parents place since they were worried about you and that was ok well for the most part. You had told them about Tracer and how you felt but they were not helping and you did expect that all too well so you knew that you had to sort this out yourself.


You moved out of your house and moved into an apartment with one of your buddies, they surported you while you tried to find out how to fix this.


You still have not heard anything so you thought she must have moved on and that she doesn't want to talk to you so you accepted it so you tried to find away to get through this. So yoi started going out but all you co uuld think about is Mei, her smile, the way she apologized and well just her but you lose her and that was it.


Well you left school after finishing everything and graduating and then you got a job as a doctor but gave it up right away and desided to go do something that won't remind you of her.


You were done with everything and maybe started to do some gambling and started to make a lot of bad choses but fuck it you quite.


Well running away from home and leaving the contry, best idea ever but who cares when the only you care for rips your heart out and doesn't want to talk to you so fuck it.


Ok so here you go the next chapter and I think I am very mean to myself for this but oh well no sleep + ice tea = Dead me...The Dead Missing Girl wow makes sence oh well. Hope you enjoyed this and still wants more, have fun and imagine to your hearts desires.

-Missing Girl

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