You Get Back Together

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It's been a week since you and Traver saw eachother again and you are just so happy, you desided to invite Tracer over to your place to hang out. When she came over you just looked at her knowing that you missed her so much, you hugged her tightly and you didn't want to let go of her. Tracer hugged back and you said,
"I missed you so much, I don't want to let you go or you leave my side I love you so much I want us to be together again" you said hopping she would say yes. Tracer smiled and said,
"I would love for us to get back together (Y/N)", you smiled hearing that and just hugged her more.


It's been a few days since you saw D.VA again so you invited her over to play some video games and she was so on. When she got to your place you and her started playing and even made a bet, if she wins you will do whatever she says and if you win she will do whatever you say. D.VA won and you waited for her to tell you what to do,
"I order you to be my boyfriend again". You smiled and nodded and then you and her started to make out and just enjoy eachothers company but tyen you were too happy to care.


You and Mei have been hanging out together and you don't mind you missed her too much, you and her are drinking some hot chocolate talking when you knew you had to ask.
"Will you be my girlfriend again?" Mei smiled and nodded and you were happy about that, you were so happy about that.


Mercy healed you but she was still a little worried that you still were not well enough so she was always checking up on you. You knew you were fine so you just desided to ask,
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Mercy smiled and said,
"Yes I will thanks for finally asking" you and her start laughing knowing that you both are really happy.


You and Widowmaker have been hanging out and you even opened up your shop again, you and Widowmaker are testing out some weapons when you handed her a gun with a sticknote on it. 'Get a perfect shot I will be your boyfriend again if you miss we can be friends' Widowmaker shots and gets a perfect shot and then put the gun down and kissed you and you are so happy.


You and Brigitte have been talking and seeing eachother and you have asked her to be your girlfriend again but she wanted you leave you hanging. Until a week later when she kissed you and said,
"I would love to be your girlfriend again" you smiled and were just so happy about it.


So here is another one for you, I'm sorry if it is crap I know it is and I will try better but my brain is not in a good mood with me since it wants to write 600 stories all at once so my brain is going on strike. Hopefully I will make the next one better, anyways have fun and imagine to your hearts desires.

-Missing girl

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