You Hear Some Bad News

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You were at home watching the news, you were hoping that you could relax but then saw that there was a fight between three Overwatch members and some big guy that has a big arm. One of the Overwatch members you recognized right away, it was Tracer and you just smiled watching her fight but then your heart broke when you saw the guy she was fighting broke the thing that she wears to keep her in this time. You fell to the floor crying seeing her disapearing and you just hated it that your heart was breaking and nothing could stop it.


You were playing a game while listening to the radio since well you just wanted to, as you were litening you just herd about then getting gamers to fly their meks or whatever they are called into battle. You didn't really care well until they said D.VA's name and you just froze waiting for information but when you got it you wished you didn't listen. D.VA was injured and you didn't like it that you des t royed the radio and then broke every little thing in your place.


You were sitting at home watching the news when they mentioned the thing Mei is apart of and you were happy to liten to it to see how it was going. One thing is you snapped when you heard there has been no word form anyone and that it's like nothing is happen so they have been decleared missing and no one is going to do anything. She is missing and you are stuck here knowing that she was is gone and you will for sure never see her smile again and nothing can help you.


You were at a friends hanging out watching (F/Show) when the news came on talking about Overwatch. You watched it hoping Mercy is ok but that all left your mind when they said Overwatch is being taken down and every member of Overwatch is wanted and you just broke.


You were in your shop listening to the radio when it was going on about how Widowmaker is being wanted for a death of some omnic. You felt bad and hoped that she would be ok even though you know she will but you still worry about her knowing she is in trouble.


You were happy where you are and you didn't think anything could change the way you thought about it, well until you heard something you never expected to hear. Brigitte has disappeared and you didn't like it at all, you felt sick and heart broken that she has disappeared and you wish you could have changed this but no you can't so you have lost her for sure.


So here we are another chapter and I am still writting even though I write a thousand things at once and I still do this so I'm pleased with myself. So I better get back to writting so I can make people smile, have fun and imagine to your hearts desires.

-Missing Girl

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