05 | Free Smoke

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Round 1

March 16th, 2019

March 16th, 2019

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Abella walks out of the bathroom after getting dressed for tonight

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Abella walks out of the bathroom after getting dressed for tonight. It's been a week since her album came out and it honestly doesn't feel like it. She put so much work into it, but couldn't really enjoy it because everything else going on in her life. There's been so much going on she even cancelled her album release party.

Now she's back in Texas for Errol's fight tonight. She's glad to be home around friends and family after spending so much time in NYC making her album. She just needs some good TLC from them before she's busy again promoting the album and going on tour this summer.

Abella goes to her bedroom putting stuff in her Balenciaga mini tote when she hears, "Where ya going?" She looks over her shoulder to see her cousin Rejoice standing in the doorway. Abella's only thought is how it's time for her to move out of her mother's and get her own place.

"Boxing match," Abella answers while putting her earrings in. She hasn't really hung out with or talked to her cousin once she got back in town. It's kinda sad when she's staying in the bedroom next door.

"Can I come?" Abella looks over at her cousin like she has two heads. "I just need to get out of the house," Rejoice says holding onto the molding of the doorway looking at it.

"The boxing match I'm going to is for Errol."

"Oh." Rejoice pauses then says, "I mean, I don't mind. It's just for entertainment and I won't cause any problems. I've just been so cooped up in this house and–" Rejoice starts pleading her case until Abella stops her.

"Fine." She has an extra ticket that was meant for her brother, but he can't come. He has to stay home with his baby. Abella looks at her watch. "Just be ready in the next 20 minutes."

"Thanks," Rejoice says smiling before rushing back to the guest room to get dressed.

After twenty minutes, Abella stands outside of the house waiting for Rejoice to come out. She's hoping she doesn't regret inviting Rejoice when she comes out of the house.

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