Breakfast went amazingly well, as they talked about everything and nothing. The conversation was mostly held by Amber, who always had a lot to say. She wanted to go back to school since she was hitching to learn, and Chester couldn't be more proud of her right at that moment.

"I already know what I want to be when I'll be done with my studies." She said, before putting a forkful of pancake in her mouth.

"And what is that?" Chester asked.

"A vet, I want to help animals."

Margaret couldn't help but smile at that. It had been her dream when she had been younger, but life had taken her elsewhere.

Chester was about to reply, when Mike's alarm on his watch went off, telling them that it was 10 o'clock, and he stopped it. He got the small container he had in his pocket before handing Chester his pill. Since they were going away, Mike had asked Lindsey if he could take an extra one so he could give it to his lover.

"Oh..." The blonde man said as he took it. "I had forgotten about that... I'm so lucky to have you." He blurted out, looking at his lover, before his cheeks heated, realizing he had said that out loud in front of his whole family.

As an answer, Mike only winked at him, before he turned to Amber so they could continue talking about her dream job.

Chester and Mike both helped cleaning the table, and as the tattooed man was about to start washing the dishes, Amber walked slowly toward him.

"Ches... do you want to go take a walk with me? My doc said I needed to take at least a twenty minutes walk regularly."

"Oh, of course." He answered before he rinsed his hand on the towel that was hanging on the stove handle.

"Don't worry, I'll wash the dishes." Mike said, as he smiled at his boyfriend. "You two have a nice walk."

Chester smiled at him before he kissed him quickly on the mouth. "You'll be okay with my parents?"

Mike nodded. "Of course, I will, your family is amazing." He flashed a smile at Amber and she smiled before looking back at his brother.

"Your boyfriend is right. Now, let's go." She said as she took his brother by the hand, walking toward the hallway that led to the front door.

"See you later!" Mike told them before he turned toward the sink full of dirty dishes.

The day was colder than both of the siblings had anticipated, but when Chester asked if she wanted to go back and take a coat, Amber only shook her head. "I'm good. I think I need the cool air anyway."

The first few minutes of the walk were spend in complete silence as the blonde man observed the neighborhood. A part of him wished that he could live somewhere this peaceful one day, have his own house with Mike, and maybe, start a family... He blushed as it had been the first time that this thought had entered his mind. His life had always been too fucked up for Chester to hope for such a future, but now...

"What are you thinking about?" Amber asked, as she had seen the expression on his brother's face changed.

"Nothing..." Chester replied, before he looked at his sister, and his heart squeezed in his chest. He couldn't help but still feel guilty about everything that had happened to her, since it was, after all, his fault.

"You can tell me, you know. We're still siblings after all." She said, looking forward and Chester stopped in his tracks. That sentence had hit him hard. Even if he had ruined his sister's life, they were still siblings.

"I'm sorry." He said and only then Amber stopped walking as well and turned slowly to him.

"I know you are, but I don't blame you, Ches. I've told you." She said with a small smile, as she understood immeasurably what her brother was talking about. She was hurt, of course, because during those years of her life she could have done so much, but she was also grateful. She had been given another chance.

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