"oh hey Jin Hee" I greeted.


He greeted me and fuck what is he doing here? Where the heck is Minho? Why did he left me out here and talk with his business partners.

"Oh hey Kihyun it's been along time" I said faking a smile at him.

“Stop faking your smile”  he said.  Fuck! He know me so well. "Sorry you must been not happy to see me after all the pain I had given you" he added. Shit my weak heart cannot take it! Be mature Jin Hee!!!

"Past is past it already happened plus we're on the present now" I said to him.

"Can we talk for a while?" He asked and I nodded cause why not it’s just a talk nothing else.

“It has been 4 years since the last time I saw you. You’re still pretty”  he stated.

"Ah yeah...thanks" I response scratching the back of my head. Should I asked him? About his life without me?

"Seems like your life is fine now" I commented as I check him.

He hissed as he brushed his hair up with his hand "not really" he said avoiding eye to eye contact with me. "It's been four years since the day I pushed you away? I'm sorry 'bout that" he said a little embarrassed.

"Ah yeah can we forget about that, I don't really want to talk about it" I said

"By the way how are you? You seems fine now" he said. Well I wish I can say that to him.

"yeah....a little but not much" I response. We spent the rest of our time talking about our present life but I didn't open up the topic about the thing why I went to his office that day. But he’s the one who open that up

"Remember the day you went to my office??? Why did you come?"  He asked

"I came because that time I'm still in love with you and I want to make things clear, but you pushed me away not even bothering to hear something ‘bout me" I said

"I guess I should have stopped you that time, I feel the same way" he explained. Gosh this is not right. I shouldn't be talking to him about this things.

"Excuse me I need to go to the restroom" I said and made my way to the restroom. I should find Minho now, I shouldn't be spending time with Kihyun. Once I went out of the restroom I did my best to avoid Kihyun. I was searching for Minho the whole time but then I bumped into someone and his champagne spilled on my outfit. Shit! This already happened but vice versa.

"Oh I'm so sorry Mis---Jin Hee?" It was Chae Hyungwon. And I wasn't expecting him, why is he even here???? "Hey long time no see...How are you? I can't believe I will see you here" he added

"yeah it's been a long time...I'm fine..but s-sorry I-i h-have to go now" I said as I fixed my gown.

"I am really sorry Jin Hee" he said as he handed me a tissue paper.

"Nah it's fine... sorry I have to go now, m-my c-cousin is waiting for me" I said and started to make my way to find Minho while I'm wiping the champagne from my gown. Because I was too busy cleaning my gown I bumped into someone once again.

I look up to say sorry but then my eyes landed on him and it was Kihyun. I quickly look away and walk away from him. Then he held me on my wrist pulling me and stopping me from walking away from him.

"Hey what's with the hurry?" He asked. I just shook my head no and started to walk again. "Hey what's wrong?" he asked not getting the point that I’m avoiding him.

"Something came up I should go now" I said and tried to get off from his gripped.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked "I know hurt you before but please give me another chance?" he spoke. Wait what up until now he feel that way???

"Then why didn't you contact me for the past four years??" I asked

"cause I thought that I was already over you after the day I pushed you away" he said still holding my wrist. I look at him into his eyes and shrugged for him to get  his hands off of me.

"But still you didn't do anything to have me back" I defend.

"I do, I went to your apartment but you're not there and they said that you moved out" He said. Shit! That's the reason why I doesn't want to moved out in the first place but that was years ago.

"You know Kihyun? This won't work at all...I've given you so many chances back then but you're the one who always do such things for us to be like this..for us to be apart... I even try to chase you cause I'm madly in love with you back then but when that time comes?? You just pushed me away and I saw you with another girl so I gave up on you so easily" I said trying to stop my tears from rolling down my cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry" he said softly cupping my cheeks as he wipe my tears away using his thumb. This brought back so many memories of me crying because of him and he was there to apologize. "I'm so sorry Jin Hee, so please get back to me" he added. I've never imagined Kihyun begging like this.

"What if you're just drunk? What if the next day you completely forgotten all of this???" I asked him "What if the incident that happened four years ago will happen again??"

"I mean it all.....All I've told you I really really mean it Jin Hee" He said.

"I was supposed to have fun here and forget all the things that hurt me" I sighed "But I've never realized I'll see you here" I cried

"Jin Hee, please stop crying.....seeing you crying really breaks my heart" he said. He tried to reach over me but I pushed his hand away.

"Really?? Then you should have made it clear back then so that I wouldn't be crying every night these past four years" I defend. “Then stop making me fucking cry!”

"That's why I'm telling you I'm sorry, I was just a jerk to pushed you away from me" he sighed "But Jin Hee I really meant it all, all the things I've told you just now...I'm still not over you up until now" He said as he reached for my hand and held it tightly

"Kihyun I've been looking for you everywhere" A girl came, she smile and the way as she look over Kihyun it looks like she really likes him. "Daddy is looking for his future son-in-law"

"You really meant it huh? Then who is she?? You should have told me all of that back then when I still haven't gotten over you" I said and walk away from them making my way to the parking lot. Why did he just told me everything? If he have someone right right now???????

And finally Kihyun appeared! But this happened.

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