"Hey, sorry about earlier" he said scratching the back of his head.

"You shouldn't be sorry to me. You should think about it first what if Aunt Hyeri is the one who caught you? How will you going to explain it to her? And why did you even did that??" I asked him. I heard him sighed and he look down.

"Why do you even care about me? You just got here days ago" he said and he went inside his room.

I sighed at what attitude he just showed me. I close my door and lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. Yes? Why do I care about him? I should be minding my own business. What if he's really like that? I shouldn't be nagging him.

These past days Minho keeps on showing me his annoying attitude. He always leave his dishes and his things everywhere and I'm the one who's cleaning it since Aunt is still not here.

When I woke up this morning, Minho already left with his dishes undone. He didn't even left food, he just cook food for himself. So I decided to buy some groceries and also fruits and chocolate cause I'm craving for it these past days.

I was about to go out when Aunt Hyeri came. She didn't tell me she's arriving today I should have prepared her some breakfast if I knew.

"Where are you going??" She asked me.

"I'm just going to buy some fruits since I'm craving for it" I response scratching the back of my head.

"No need for that, I bought some for you" she said and she has a bag full of fruits and chocolates.

"So where's Minho?" She asked

"He's out for his job I think?" I respond

"Can you call him and tell him to get back home?" She asked. I stretched the back of my head.

"U-um, Minho and I are not really ---" I was cut off when Minho suddenly arrived.

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