He laughed, “I did, but definitely not as much as you. Your so drunk you even thought the alcohol was rain.” He laughed again, “And you were dancing and singing under it like some maniac.”

“A maniac who’s got some killer moves! Get on my level bitches!” I then proceeded to do the f-bomb hand gesture.

“Language babe” He stood up and held out his hand to me. “Come on, you gotta change out those wet clothes.” he added.

I grabbed his hand as he led me to the bathroom. I suggested that he would change my clothes for me, but he shut the door in my face before I could finish.

I ran my fingers through my hair realising that I'm still not over him, and that the pain in my heart still remains. Trying to get my mind off of it, I began to brush my teeth. With all that alcohol my breath must really reek. When I finished and spit in the sink, as I went to wipe my mouth, I accidentally knocked over my toothbrush. It landed on the dirty floor making me groan in disgust. I bent down to get it, holding my hand on the counter so that I wouldn’t fall over from tour still tipsy state of mind. What I realised the hard way was though, I forgot to wipe down the wet sink. And my hand slipped from it, making me crash on to the floor.

I groaned in pain rubbing where I hit my head and elbow on the tiled floor. Luckily there was no blood. Suddenly the door swung open. Kihyun stood at the door for a moment before he crouched down to see what had happened. He grabbed the sides of my arms,

“Are you alright Jin Hee? What happened?” he asked me.

My head swung to side to side not only from pain, but from my dizzy eyes. “I just slipped over and fell. I guess I’m still a little out of it huh?”

He reassuringly sighed, “Yea I guess so. And there isn’t any injury, you’ll just have a bump on your head and bruise on your elbow by tomorrow morning. But why are you still in your clothes?”

I laughed a little, “I wanted to brush my teeth. And look they’re all clean! But I don’t know if I can take off my clothes now…” I rubbed my hurt elbow.

Kihyun opened his mouth to say something, but soon closed it shut. Then his eyes looked away with blush vibrantly radiating off his cheeks. “I-I guess I have to h-help you now huh?”

I stopped for a moment realising what I've done. “Thanks Kihyun but, I-I think I can manage.” I try to take off my shirt but failed  Aghh! Ok no-that won’t work. Sorry Kihyun…”

He sighed and put on a caring smile, “Its alright. N-Now I just need you to just…um…l-lift your arms up.”

I did as I were told. Kihyun grabbed my shirt and looked away. He then started to pull it upwards til it was completely off. I sat there now in just a skirt and a bra facing my ex boyfriend. My heart started beating and I could feel my body getting warmer. Suddenly my eyes started to become hazy and my body felt limp.

Kihyun, still looking away, tried to search down my body to find the zipper to my skirt. His cold hands brushed down my stomach giving me a chill. Kihyun gulped feeling me flinch under him and quickly tried to find my skirt. Once he found the zipper he easily slid it down along with my skirt, leaving me only in my black laced underwear.

“N-Now where’s your c-clothes?” he asked. I knew he's been controlling himself cause I knew him for years I already know this tone of his

I handed him my oversized t-shirt, “Here”

I don’t really have anyone over so I didn’t really care whether I walked around the house pants-less. Because of this though, I didn’t really have any other pj’s. Kihyun placed it just so over my head so that once he pulled it down, my arms and head went right through.

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