drarry smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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⚠️Warning I did not write this⚠️

Eighth Year Advisory - canoncansuckmyass


Eighth year at hogwarts, and there's a new class: advisory, aka, forced group therapy. Veritaserum is involved... does that ever turn out well?

(this is a long ass chapter i hope this can make it up to u for all the short chapters u had to read)


"Hermione, there's a mistake on my schedule. What's advisory?"
"Ronald, you idiot, you never pay attention, do you? It was all explained during Professor McGonagall's speech last night!"
"That still doesn't tell me what it is."
Harry was getting bored of hearing his friends' constant bickering. He knew that this conversation would just go in circles, so he decided to cut in. "Advisory is a new class all the eighth years are taking. I think it's part of a Ministry initiative to help us all recover from the war or something like that. Basically a free period to nap, if you ask me." Ron sniggered at Hermione's horrified look. Harry realized his mistake and amended "I'm just kidding Hermione, I know the speech. This year, Ron and I are going to pick up on our school work and do well on all our NEWTS." This seemed to please Hermione, as she went back to color coding her schedule and scrutinizing her ancient runes textbook.
Ron leaned over to Harry to whisper "Honestly, mate, I think she's crazy. It's the first day of school! We haven't had a single class yet!" Harry just shrugged and went back to his breakfast. He stole a glance across the hall at the Slytherin table; he found that even after the war, after testifying on Malfoy's behalf, he still couldn't get that blonde git out of his mind. He constantly thought about him. Of course, he would never admit this to anyone, not even Ron and Hermione. They would just get worried about him. Harry hated the looks that they gave him when they thought he couldn't see. He really wanted a break from them, but it didn't seem to be coming any time soon. As he stared at Malfoy and his friends, he was surprised to see that when it wasn't directed at him, the smirk on his face could look quite attractive. He quickly pushed the thought out of his mind and returned to his breakfast.

The rest of the day was quite normal; DADA (taught by a new teacher named Professor Hirschorn, who seemed to have a slight obsession with vampires), followed by Charms, History of Magic, Transfiguration, until after lunch the only class left was Advisory. As the lunch period ended, all the eighth year students walked in groups with their friends chatting about what they thought this new class would be like as they walked to the classroom on their schedule: South tower, west corridor, room 5. It was a part of the castle none of them had been to before, and they were expecting a normal classroom, but that is far from what they were greeted with when they walked in. The room was the same size and shape as a normal classroom, but that's where the resemblance ended. The floor was covered in very fluffy shag carpeting, a muggle invention that perplexed most of the students. There were very large windows with no curtains, bathing the room in golden afternoon light. There were no desks or chairs, not even a blackboard. The only furniture in the room was a very long and skinny table pushed into one corner; the table was covered in about 40 identical tiny vials of clear liquid.
"Bloody hell, what in Merlin's bollocks is this class?" Ron exclaimed. Several students sniggered at his crude language as Hermione reprimanded him. At that moment, a witch in very long, regal pale blue robes strode in to the room.
"All right all right, y'all can be quiet now, the teacher's here." She spoke in a North-Eastern American accent, maybe New York or somewhere around there. "My name is Professor Dwarken. It's ok to laugh, it's a funny name. Welcome to a new course at Hogwarts: eighth year advisory. Can you all please sit in a circle in the center of the room?" Everybody rushed to get the best seats in the shade away from the windows; it was a very hot September day. "Wait wait, stand up again. I want you all to sit down next to someone who you haven't talked to before outside of the classroom." Everybody shot each other confused glances as they slowly rearranged themselves. It was like musical chairs, everybody trying to shuffle up the stark friend groups in a way that settled everybody as close to their friends as possible and as far away from the Slytherins as possible. The professor sat at the front of the circle (if that's even a thing; it somehow seemed to be). It was quite a strange site, a circle of adults in robes sitting on shaggy carpet next to people they've never spoken to.
"Alright, we're going to start of right away. You will get out of this course what you put into it. If you decide not to cooperate, then this will be waste of your time as well as a waste of mine. I was asked by Professor Mcgonagall to come and teach this course here; I teach it at Ilvermorny every year. This course is designed to create relationships between those who would normally never speak under different circumstances. I have altered the course, given what has happened in the past years and the trauma that all of you have faced, as well as the obvious fact of having been on opposite sides of a war. That fact makes this all the more important: you must learn to get past your differences and learn to accept one another for who you are, not just who you were raised to be." The last bit seemed to be somehow targeted at Malfoy, although she wasn't looking at him when she said it; it was merely implied. "I have been informed of the social relations of everyone in the grade and have chosen, with the help of all of the professors, partners for each of you in this course. There will be absolutely no changing of partners after they have been assigned, although I think many if not all of you will want to switch after you have heard this. The partners are as follows:

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