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Harry woke up next to Draco. He looked around and it took him a few seconds to realise that they were in Draco's room. And it took Harry a few minutes to realise that he was naked.

Harry sat bolt right up, bewildered.

He shook the sleeping Draco next to him and yelled, "Wake up!"

Draco groaned as he stirred and opened his eyes, which quickly became as big as saucers.

"H-Harry... y-you're naked." Draco stuttered. Harry couldn't say anything but nodded in response.

Harry remembered the Yule Ball, then bottles of fire whiskey, then being drunk, then getting into bed with Draco...

Then... then...

"Did we have sex?!" Draco exclaimed.

Then Harry remembered what had happened in the previous night.

"Oh no... oh no no no..." Harry moaned, getting his voice back. "I'm still with Ginny, she's gonna kill me."

Harry buried his face into his knees as Draco gently patted his back. "It's gonna be okay..." Draco whispered. "Let's just keep it a secret."

Harry nodded and they got dressed.

"You told me you loved me, you know." Draco said awkwardly.

"Really?" Harry gasped and blushed.

Draco smiled and replied, "I love you too."

Harry smiled and sighed in relief. Then he remembered Ginny.

"I really wanna be with you, Draco, but what about Ginny?" Harry was worried about how Ginny would react the most.

"Well, it's your choice, really, to date me or Ginny. And I won't force you to date me." Draco replied sadly.

"No. I've made up my mind. I'll tell Ginny that I'm with you. I never even had sex with her." Harry replied confidently.

Draco smiled and said, "Let's go find her."

They walked out of Draco's room and headed towards Ginny's room.

"Ginny?" Harry knocked on the door to Ginny's room and the door swung open, revealing Ginny at the doorway.

"Hey baby. Hey... Malfoy." Ginny greeted them.

"Ginny, I'm gay. And I'm with Draco. I'm sorry." Harry said, ready to accept a yell or a scowl from Ginny, but instead, she smiled.

"It's okay. I'm happy for you as long as you're happy." Ginny smiled.

Harry was speechless for a while, then he smiled back and said, "Thanks." And headed to the lake with Draco.

"So... it went well." Draco smiled awkwardly. Harry smiled back and kissed Draco.

"I love you." Harry whispered, and he felt Draco smile in the kiss.

"I love you too."

Drarry Oneshots [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now