Part 9

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Harshad woke up to a commotion from outside the room. Still sleepy he tried to get up and that's when he realized that something or rather someone was holding him down. Confused he looked down to discover Jenny, who was lying sprawled out on top of him with her head on his chest. Everything came back in a rush. Him winning, celebrating and finally going to bed with Jenny. Not in the wrong way mind it!

He had been so tired, and it had felt damn good to gather her close, soaking in her presence and then to fall asleep. He hadn't put much thought to his action, but now he was afraid that he had taken liberties he shouldn't have. He wasn't quite sure how happy Jenny will be when she wakes up in bed with him. Especially, when she realizes that he had taken off his Shirt in order to be more comfortable.

He tried to untangle from her and escape, but she was clinging to him like a monkey. He sighed, there was no way he could make a stealthy escape. Time to brace himself for the worst and chances were high that she might kill him, so he might as well enjoy it while it lasted. He tried to settle to a more comfortable position, without waking her up.

Harshad didn't know how much time had passed when he felt her stir. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, giving Jenny a chance to bolt without any awkward exchanges. He was holding his breath, while she shifted and finally rose up from his chest. He immediately missed the warm contact, but he kept perfectly still. He didn't feel any movements, so he guessed that she was still sitting next to him and probably recalling the previous events.

Expecting to hear her footstep going for the door, it took him by surprise when he felt her lips grazing his left cheek and nipping his jaw. Shocked his eyes flew open and looked straight at a grinning Jenny.

"Good morning. Are you done pretending to be asleep?", she asked while leaning over him.

Knowing very well, that he wouldn't get away with a lie he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I wasn't exactly sure what to expect", he replied carefully. He scanned her face, and she didn't seem to be upset, rather the opposite was the case, and she was staring at his bare chest. As if she was in a trance, she trailed her fingers slowly over his chest and dangerously low. To say that he was aroused was an understatement. Before Jenny's fingers can wander any lower and discover how turned on he was, he wrapped an around her waist and flipped her around.

"Harshad!", she exclaimed and tried to act as if she was horrified, but she couldn't hold back the giggle that escaped her unwillingly. He braced his arms on either side of her head and effectively caged her in.

"Shh... be quiet", he murmured, while nuzzling her neck with his nose. He leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped him by putting her hand over his mouth. Irritated he knitted his brows.

"I have to brush my teeth first, until then you have to wait. We have to get up anyway", she teased him.

She removes her hands and places them on his chest to push him off. Stifling a curse, he gets up from the bed. She was being a tease, but he was far from done with her.

When she tries to walk past him, he curls his arm around her waist and pulls her into his body. Her arms go around his neck and in the process her breasts are pressing against him. In his mind, he was cursing Jenny's top, which separated his skin from hers. Needing to feel her, he slips his left hand beneath her top and rests it on her hips. Harshad cups her chin with his right hand and strokes her jaw. Her eyes flutter close and her tongue darts out to wet her lips.

Gently he presses his lips to the corner of her mouth before moving along her cheek to her ear.

"Go out with me", he whispers huskily.

"Huh?", she blinks her eyes open and looks at him confused.

He leans back and cradles her face in his hand. "I like your friends and their get-together, but I want to spend some time with you alone. Get to know you, not only as friend but with the potential of something more. It is also a good way to make it up to me for not coming to the award show", he added, while wiggling his eyebrows.

She laughed, but he could see, that something was still holding her back.

"I mean if it doesn't work out we can still be friends", he added hastily. She didn't need to know that he no intention of only being her friend. The silence was killing him, and he desperately tried to find more arguments to convince her.


Harshad stilled. It was one simple word, but it changed everything. All of a sudden there were so many possibilities.

Unable to control himself, he hugs her and lifts her up, before twirling her around. A delighted sound escapes Jenny before she claps her hand over her mouth.

"Put me down, Harshad! Don't forget we are not alone", she chastised him

"How can I forget that", he grumbled. If they had been alone, they wouldn't have been talking but instead still be in bed. Speaking of bed, his eyes wander to the Queen size bed and back to Jenny.

Following his gaze, Jenny shook her head and exclaimed, "You are impossible. Now get dressed and please when we go outside try to control your facial expression."

"My expression? Are you kidding? You are aware that I'm an actor and I can emote any feelings, which also means I can hide my feelings."

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, on-screen you can, but off-screen you are terrible. Your poker face is practically non-existent."

Offended he opened his mouth to defend himself but stopped. Not a good idea to start an argument before they even had one date. He slipped into his Shirt and buttoned up his Shirt. Meanwhile, Jenny fired her available dates for spending some together. They had a hard time to find something where both of them were free, but finally they agreed to meet for dinner the day after tomorrow.

He was on top of the world and there was nothing which could damp his happiness. He had hard time to act normal when they had breakfast with Naihal and Anniruddha. Thank god both of them didn't make any remarks about them sleeping together in the guest room.

They were talking and having a good time, when Anniruddha suddenly asked, "Harshad, are you free the day after tomorrow?"

"Uhm... no... I mean I have to go the gym. I mean no, I have plans with Harsha... why?", he stuttered. When he glanced at Jenny, he saw how she was having a hard time to hold back her laughter.

"Oh, too bad. The girls are having girls' night out, so I'm all by myself, if you happen to be free you can drop by."

Before he could ask, Jenny interrupted, "Girls' night out?"

"Don't tell me you forgot. You were the only one, who has at the moment quite a lot on her plate, so we asked you when you're free and yesterday you told me you were free then. I'm so looking forward to it! It has been ages since all of us had time and after these past few weeks, I really could use this", Naihal said full of excitement.

Harshad could feel how torn Jenny was. When they discussed the dates, they had realized that the next free spot would be after a month, when Christmas and New Year were over. It wasn't ideal, but he didn't want her to feel obligated to choose between him and her long-time friends.

Before Jenny could protest, he said, "That sounds fun. You guys should definitely have fun." He was talking to Naihal but looking at Jenny and making her understand that he was fine with her going out with her friends.

She looked relieved but at the same time guilty.

He gave her an encouraging smile. It was an unplanned obstacle, but he won't be discouraged. No way he was going to wait a month to spend some time alone with his woman.

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