Part 6

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Her heart was pounding, and she broke their eye contact. There were so many emotions swirling through her mind, but the most prominent one was fear. Fear of making the
wrong decision, fear to inspect her inner turmoil and especially fear of getting her heart broken... again.

She didn't know what to think. The only thing she knew was, that she couldn't lose Harshad over something silly like one kiss. Well it was an amazing kiss and his lips were... damn it focus Jenny!

She needs some space to think. Reluctantly she loosened her grip on Harshad's neck, while trying to step back. However, Harshad wouldn't let her. If possible, he even pulled her closer and in the process her hands are wedged between them.

"Don't hide, Jenny."

"This is crazy. What are we doing?", she whispered.

"Oh, I thought we were kissing but if you don't know that, then it's my pleasure to show you again", he answered with a smirk.

She started blushing and annoyed with her reaction, she glared at him. He smiled while leaning closer. His lips barely grazed her right cheek, while he whispered in hear ears "Don't overthink and just enjoy the moment."

She couldn't help herself and started laughing. He drew back and looked at her confused.

"Are you serious? You're the one, who plans and analyses everything and now you're telling me, I shouldn't overthink?"

Harshad just rolled his eyes and tried to kiss her other cheek but Jenny started pushing his chest.

"Stop distracting me! Seriously, we need to talk", she stated firmly.

He sighed and withdrew his hands. "Fine. Let's talk. Unless you want to do something else instead of talking?", he said while directing his eyes downwards. It was only then that Jenny realized that she wasn't pushing him away but rather holding on to him by fisting his Shirt in her hands. She quickly withdraws her hands and steps back.

"Contrary to what you believe we are friends."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you", he interrupted.

"I know", she said softly. "But the fact remains that you are someone special to me. I don't want to screw this up and lose you in the process. We both are emotionally not very stable at this moment and the ending of our show has made us vulnerable. Therefore, it is only natural that we turn to each other for comfort and it doesn't have to mean anything. It is for the best, if we just forget this night and go back to the way it was." She knew she was rambling, but she couldn't help herself. Her main goal at the moment was to go back to the safe relationship they shared.

Harshad remained silent and looked at her intently. "I agree. At the moment I need your friendship", he stated, and Jenny started relaxing.

"However, it doesn't mean that we can't explore what is lurking beneath the surface. The kiss means something, and we both know it. However, I also understand that we need time. So, for the time being, we just pretend that there is nothing just like we did in the past few months. Anyway, we're going to forget that this night has happened, hence one more kiss can't hurt right?" Before she could process his words, Harshad cups her face and kisses her thoroughly.

"Good night, Jenny." With that he departs while leaving a dumbfounded Jenny back.

"What just happened?", she thinks. She tried to reason with him, but somehow he had managed to turn everything upside down. She always thought she knew Harshad, but this side was totally new to her, and she didn't know how to handle it.


A few days passed since that faithful night. She saw Harshad in a few of their gatherings, however they never talked about that night. They talked and laughed just like they did before, which made her sometimes wonder if she had only imagined the whole incident. She should be happy, but she was not. She was annoyed and angry. Here she was still thinking about their kiss, and he was able to just forget it and move on!

After she finished shooting for another ad, she had to admit that she was indeed emotionally drained and needs to rebalance herself. There was no better place to so than her parents home. Now here she was sitting outside on her favourite bench in her parents' home and just enjoying the soft breeze. She just had a sip of her coffee, when she saw an incoming call from Harshad. Immediately her heart starts to beat faster.


"Hey Jenny, what time do you suggest we go tomorrow?"


"Tomorrow is an Award function and we planned on going", he explained slowly.

"I... I don't think I'm coming."

There was a pause on the other end. "Is it because of me?"

"What? No! I can't deal with the media right now. I need some time for me to sort out everything", she tried to explain. "But you guys should definitely go. My gut is telling me that you will win for sure."

Harshad huffed "I don't think so, but I understand. Enjoy your time with your parents. Bye Jenny."

Before she could stop herself, she said "I'll make it up to you." But she didn't know if he had heard the last bit before he hung up. She could clearly hear the disappointment in his voice. A few weeks prior she was the one who convinced him to go together because she knew how uncomfortable he was with award functions and now she was bailing on him. She sighted. She didn't want to hurt him but ended up doing exactly that.

"That was big sigh. You want to tell me what it was about", she turned around to see her mother standing behind her.

"It's nothing, Mom."

Her mother didn't say anything for a while and just kept studying her. She felt uncomfortable under her mother's stare. Her mother knew her well... too well. "You know Sweety, you have come so far in life because you dared to take risks. You're never afraid and you're a fighter. Don't start to be a coward and run away. The best things in life aren't easy." Before she could reply her phone started vibrating again and Naihal's name flashed on the screen.

"Hey Babe, what is it that I heard that you're not going tomorrow?"

"Words travel fast, I see."

"I understand that you don't want to dress up and everything. Why don't you come to my place tomorrow and we can watch the whole award function from home?"

Jenny was close to decline, but she remembers Harshad's disappointed voice and it didn't sit well with her. With her mother's advice in the back of her head she made a decision.

"You know what let's do that but don't tell your husband and make sure that after the award function Harshad stops by at your place too." While talking she glanced in her mother's direction she could see her nodding her head in approval.

"I'll handle it. What are you planning?", Naihal asked curiously.

"You'll see."

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