Jenshad - Last day shoot Part 3

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As the night came to a conclusion, the atmosphere started to change too. Everyone was trying to have a good time and no one wanted to leave the set first. It was harsh to face the reality that they won't be coming back the next day or in a few days.

"Come on let's listen to our title song before we call it a night", suggested Rajesh and went to the music box. Everyone started to gather around it and with everyone standing close to the music box, they had to stand close to each other.

When the song started to play everyone stopped talking and just let it sink in. It was quite unusually for them just to be silent and it made the whole situation more monumental.

Jenny also locked around and recollected all the memories she had shared with this amazing cast and crew. When her eyes finally landed on Harshad, who was standing right next to her, a wave of uncertainty hit her. After today they wouldn't have any reason to see each other. Of course, she would see him in social gatherings or at a birthday party but it wasn't the same as seeing each other almost every day. An actor's life can be quite unpredictable and if one doesn't make a conscious effort to meet each other it is quite possible to lose contact very soon.

Her feelings had been all over the place in the past few weeks. She would catch herself daydreaming about a certain man and getting more and more attracted to him. If they would had continued shooting maybe her control would have snapped and god forbid she would have done something stupid and in that process even destroy their friendship.

Everything was so confusing. She was used to being in control but with Harshad she was losing it slowly and she doesn't like it at all.

"He is just a friend. I'm getting unnecessarily confused. Maybe it is even for the best, if we have some distance between us. I will definitely keep my distance", she vowed.

As if he had felt her eyes he turned his head and looked at her and all her thoughts stopped. In his eyes she could see the pain and the heartbreak. The fact that he had tried to mask it for the sake of everyone, broke her even more. Eventhough just a moment ago she had decided that she would keep her distance, she couldn't turn away. In a gesture of comfort she hugged him sideways. Without any hesitation his left arm curled around her waist while her head was on his chest. Jenny closed her eyes and listened to Harshad's heartbeat. It had a soothing effect. In that moment she was at peace but it scarred her that he had this effect on her.

When the song ended, she unwillingly broke the hug and looked again at Harshad. She opened her mouth to say how much she's going to miss him and thank him again for the wonderful time. Unfortunately, before she could say anything, she was interrupted by Sehban asking "Shall I drop you home?"

"Oh, that would be great, thank you." When she turned back to Harshad, the moment didn't feel right anymore and she was reminded once again of her earlier thoughts of keeping her distance. So with a heavy heart, she just hugged him and left.

The whole exchange didn't go unnoticed by a third person. Naihal was a romantic at heart and nothing would make her more happy than seeing her dear friend Jenny find her soulmate just like she did. But Naihal also knew very well that the past has left Jenny scarred and as soon there was potential interest from the opposite gender, she would friend zone them. In the past Naihal never said anything and just let her be but she had been observing Jenny and Harshad in the last few months and slowly something has started brewing between them. And god help her, it was her personal mission to not let the spark die between them.

"This is going to be so much fun", she thought with a smile.

"Oh no... what are you planning?", her husband Annirudh asked.

"Nothing! Why would you even ask me that? I'm tired let's go home", she said innocently.

Annirudh wasn't convinced at all. His wife had the matchmaking look on her face and he also happens to know her new victims. As far as he knew all her "victims" ended up dating or even marrying.

Well it looks like he has to get ready to attend a wedding next year.


First of all thank you so much for liking the story so far. To be honest I didn't plan on writting a story. It was supposed to be an one shot but well it is getting longer 😂

Love will find its wayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें