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How do you forget?
Erase years of memories in one night,
That those nights,
Those words,
Those people,
Never existed?
Forget the feeling of being trapped,
Pinned down and suffocated,
Or the way you once felt safe
In those arms...
Or maybe those nights spent
Running from somewhere that didn't feel
Like home,
Hunted down by uniformed strangers.

Is it possible
To wipe the slate clean?
No memories of crying down the phone,
Trying to save a life,
Or the sickening sound
Of child cranium, slamming
Into the floor.
Never having to relive
The way the pills felt on your tongue,
Or the sensation of three people
Throwing you to the ground
As you struggle to breathe,
Or even the warmth of a hand holding yours,
The happiness you used to feel
Long since faded away.

How can you forget these moments,
The ones that shape you
Into someone you don't want to be?

Fading Out (poems about life)Where stories live. Discover now