"Exactly," Adla nodded.

"I really missed this," the blonde smiled softly. "You can't do this to me again, okay? Not talking to me for a week was just rude," she added with a grin.

"I won't do it again," Adla replied. "We probably have some things to catch up on."

"Absolutely, but it's late and I know you're working early shift tomorrow," Leah said whereas Adla was surprised her friend remembered her work schedule. "How about we go out tomorrow? We'll have a few drinks and catch up on everything."

"I would love to but..." Adla hesitated, her eyes dropping to the floor. "I'm actually going out with Aiden tomorrow," she confessed quietly.

"Right," Leah cleared her throat. "The date. I forgot but...it's finally happening after all, huh? What...I mean...how do you feel?"

"Honestly, it feels strange," the brunette shook her head mildly.

"How so?" Leah wondered evidently intrigued.

"He's my oldest friend," Adla attempted to explain what she felt. "I've known him basically all my life. We've probably had dinner hundreds of times but now because it's a 'date', I'm supposed to feel differently all of a sudden? I don't know how this stuff works. How do I know if something has changed or what I feel isn't just because I care about him so much?"

"Are you saying that you're not sure if your feelings for him are romantic?" The journalist questioned carefully. "Or are you scared that they won't become romantic and you'll end up hurting his feelings?"

"I don't know," Adla sighed desperately. "I definitely don't want to hurt him. He's been the only constant friend in my life. There's no denying that I love him, but..."

"You're not in love with him?"

"Yeah, but that would be silly because we haven't explored that so how would I really know, right?" The older one asked and noticed her friend looking somewhat uncomfortable. "What? Am I being stupid? I told you I don't have experience-"

"No, no," Leah appeased instantly. "It's not that. I think you're right. Maybe it's too early to determine if you could love him in a different way. Feelings develop over time and you're very used to seeing him one way. I think the more important question is, do you want to?" She asked and Adla furrowed her eyebrows. "Or do you feel obligated to because you care about him so much?"

There was no reproach or judgment in Leah's question, but it struck Adla.

"A little bit of both to be completely honest," she admitted with discomfort. "I know it's not ideal but there's a part of me that thinks, this is what's supposed to be. Most people would love to have someone like him in their life. He's everything you could want in a boyfriend."

"But is he what you want?" Leah pressed but her gentle tone made sure not to offend Adla.

"I guess I'll find out," Adla answered honestly. "I'm willing to see where it goes. I think I'm ready."

"Okay," Leah nodded lightly. "That's...good. I'm happy to hear that. He seems like a nice guy."

"He is."

"Well, then he deserves to be your first date, I guess," Leah smiled with hesitation. "Too bad I stole your first kiss from him," she added with a smirk.

"You didn't steal anything," Adla rolled her eyes playfully. "I kissed you, not the other way around."

"Oh yeah, I remember," Leah chuckled as Adla felt her cheeks burning up once more. "Was it everything you ever dreamed?" The blonde was clearly teasing now.

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