"I don't want things to change either," Leah finally reciprocated after what seemed like an eternity. "Let's just leave the holidays behind us and get back to normal."

"That sounds perfect," Adla responded filled with relief. "But before we leave the holidays behind us, I completely forgot something."

Taking the pan off the stove, Adla rushed into her room and returned with a big bag.

"We didn't get to exchange gifts but Merry Christmas," the taller girl said with a smile and handed Leah the gift. Seeing her friend's genuine joy made all the complications of the last week worth it. Unlike herself, Leah wasn't very delicate in opening the gift and ripped up the wrapping paper.

"What..." Leah whispered more to herself once she realized what the present was. Adla had arranged several picture frames, all containing articles Leah had written in the past for her college newspaper. Thanks to Dani, she had found a way to get those articles and craft them into one artwork.

"You're always so hard on yourself when it comes to your writing," Adla explained the thought behind her gift. "I know you want to make the page so badly, but you have made the page plenty of times before and you will again. This is just a little reminder that what you do is never lost. It might feel like it when you're chasing the next achievement, but you've done so much. Sometimes we all need to take a moment to appreciate the things we have achieved already."

As she spoke, she noticed that Leah wasn't looking at her but instead staring at the gift. And even in the moments afterwards, the thoughtful journalist stayed silent. Adla grew anxious.

"Do...you like it?" The brunette asked softly.

"Can I give you a hug?" Leah laughed gently and finally looked up again. The moment she did, Adla noticed a shimmering layer of tears dwelling in the green eyes.

"Of course," Adla replied with a smile and saw Leah carefully putting down the gift on the counter before wrapping her arms around Adla's neck.

It was strange but Leah was the first person where Adla actually looked forward to being physically close to them. Whenever they hugged, or Leah shared moment of casual intimacy with her like holding her hand or touching her arm like before, Adla savored the feeling. It was the opposite effect to her usual reaction of tension whenever she had to be close to people she didn't know that well. Adla could feel her body relax while gently letting her hands linger on the other girl's back.

"Thank you," Leah whispered and Adla sensed a shiver going through her body; but a good one. It almost made her physically flinch, but she was thankful her body didn't.

"You're welcome," she answered full of sincerity and closed her eyes for a moment. She felt Leah turning her head slightly inward, snuggling Adla's neck for a brief moment while exhaling deeply. The contact of Leah's warm breath against her neck, sent the same shiver down Adla's body but twice as intensely. Before her body had another chance to react, Leah pulled away and quickly wiped a tear from her eyes.

"I didn't mean to make you cry," Adla said softly and sensed her cheeks being flushed.

"I'm crying because now I can't give you my crappy gift in comparison to this," Leah laughed through her happy tears to break the ice. "You made me this thoughtful gift and I just got you a leather jacket because I thought you would look hot in it," she added with an even bigger laugh.

"It's not a competition," Adla joined in her laughter. "I'm sure I'm going to love it."

"We'll see," Leah mumbled, her focus back on the picture frames with her articles. "But you're right. I should be able to appreciate where I came from. It's all a journey and there's no rush."

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