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"Girl! It's Yo Birthday! Why The Fuck You At Work?" My best friend Jose said.

Yup .. Today's my birthday and I'm working, only to get a little extra money. Today I'm turning 21. I feel so old, it's like yesterday I was just in high school.

I rolled my eyes "I'm only here for 2 hours then I'm gone Jose"

A/n - Jose Is @joseayala.2 on IG

I'm a hairstylist , I work at this shop in California. I consider us the best because we have celebrities in and out of here. Such as Lauren London, Gabriella Union, Nicki Minaj ETC. Nothing major.

"You should be at home Chyna, not here sewing in my weave" my client said.

I sighed "I know , it's just I need the extra money just in case. You guys know I'm taking care of Alexis and it's kinda rough"

Alexis is my 16 year old sister. I've been taking care of her since my parents died a couple years back.

"Yeah we know girl" she said as I repositioned her head

"Are you atleast going to the club or something?" Jose asked as he flipped the magazine

I shrugged "I don't know, I'm still thinking"

| 10 minutes later |

"GIRL!" Jose said as he jumped up


"August motherfucking Alsina is in Cali. He's performing .. AT LURE!"

Lure was this popular ass club in California. Everyone has performed there, Beyoncé , Trey Songz, you name it they performed there.

"That's nice" I stated unamused as I finished sewing my clients hair.

"You ain't excited? Maybe we can go and fuck shit up" Jose said all excited

"Look I don't see all the hype about August to be fucking honest" I said as I felt slightly annoyed.

I'm not gonna lie and say August can't sing. He can, he's really good. It's just he's too much of a target, meaning EVERY girl wants to get at him. Some of them honestly wouldn't have a chance AND he's a player. All he seems to be do is Sing, fuck bitches, get money, and get some head and that's all he cares about.

"You one stuck up ass puta" Jose then rolled his eyes

"Feelings mutual" I faked smiled at him.

| Later that day |

I was finally home and finally relaxing. I live in a condo. Nothing big , 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Alexis was staying at friends house for the weekend, so I had time to myself. As I was just about to relax and watch TV my phone rang -_-

CHYNA: "Hello?"


I rolled my eyes at his approach on the phone.

CHYNA: "What you want? I'm trying to relax"

JOSE: "well yo relaxing ass better get ready"

I could tell he did something that I wasn't really up for.

CHYNA: "what you talking bout?"

JOSE: "we going to Lure tonight"

CHYNA: "Nigga I'm trying to relax not go out and drink"

JOSE: "Chynaaaaaa come on. When are you ever gonna have a 21st birthday again?"

CHYNA: "never and quite frankly I'm okay with that happening"

JOSE: "well I'm not so be ready by 8 and look sexy"

CHYNA: "Mhm"

I hung up annoyed and not ready for what was about to happen since I wasn't planning on doing anything but ordering pizza and being to myself tonight. Not getting drunk and possibly doing something that I will most likely regret. That happens almost every time I drink ... TOO MUCH.

| 3 hours later |

As I looked at the clock it was already 7:15. Didn't really have much time. I had just finished showering and blow drying my hair. I was now curling it with my curling wand.

As I finished curling the last part, I started to decide on what I wanted to wear. I then walked over to my closet and started to look through it carefully deciding my attire for the night. Once I picked out my dress I slipped it on and zipped it up. I then picked out my shoes and jewelry.


As I looked at the clock it was now 7:45 I then walked over to my vanity and started on my light makeup. I don't wear or have too much since I don't really have any blemishes or dark circles under my eyes. I only applied mascara , eyeliner , eyeshadow, and my cherry red lipstick. As I finished my makeup I stood up and slipped on my black pumps. Then I heard a horn honk, knowing it was Jose instantly.





I'll try and update every Saturday or every Tuesday 😁 still deciding.

No Love ♡ {August Alsina}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon