Chapter Twenty - Back on Holiday

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The eight third year Slytherins sat comfortably in their compartments.  A ninth person currently was in the compartment to the great chagrin of Ethan Rosier – Theodore Nott.  He kept staring ice daggers at the way Victoria snuggled up next to him.  He had heard the rumor that he had blackmailed her for the relationship, but that did nothing to improve his feelings.  They had been together for the November and December Hogsmeade weekends. 

Victoria and Theo were not an official couple.  Theo had not given her any kind of gift like that.  She was certain he was trying to think of some method of gaining that chance with her.  But she did not have relationships on the mind whether with Theo or Ethan for that matter. 

Victoria dreaded the upcoming weeks at Avery Manor.  Granted, she would be again attending the Malfoy Gala as it was two years ago.  But she had been instructed that she would be spending large chunks of time at Riddle Manor with her Uncle.  She knew it would mean more uses for her horrible truth telling spell.  But that wasn’t the worst.  She feared being in the presence of the Dark Lord in whatever form.  She feared his enticing touch and losing herself again to it as she had before.

The compartment was quiet as the train made its way back to London.  It grew darker and darker.  As it did, Theo tried to take the opportunity to take some liberties.  But Victoria used some spells that nearly every Slytherin girl used – and only some used – to first protect parts of her body and then to slap the boy away.

Finally, when they returned to London, they separated with a kiss – Theo had wanted a public one and Victoria was fine with obliging.  Then, they separated.  Taylor, Adriana, and Astoria were staying with her that evening.  They followed Uncle Rufus out of the station, to the Floo and finally to Avery Manor.  As they entered, her Uncle Rufus said, “I will be leaving shortly.  I have business tonight.  If you need anything, ask our family House Elf, Nipsy.”

After he was gone, Victoria said,


A young House Elf appeared.

“Yes, Mistress Victoria,” he said.

“Please take care of our luggage in the bedroom.”

When the House Elf was gone, the four girls moved to the entryway where Nipsy had set up warm tea and sandwiches and pastries.  The four girls talked quietly for a while until Adriana said.

“My father was going to be gone tonight too,” she said.  “I am guessing there is a gathering tonight?”

“Gathering?” Astoria asked.

Taylor nodded.  “Death Eaters – “

“Oh,” Astoria said suddenly noticing how that had become real again.

Victoria shook her head.  “We are only third years.  We shouldn’t have to worry about such things.”

She found that statement ironic though for herself.  But she didn’t want especially Astoria focusing on these type of things right now.  She looked conspiratorially at her three friends.  Then, she conjured a book. 

“What do you got there?” Astoria asked with interest.

“My uncle found this book for me last summer.  It is beauty magic –“

What Victoria didn’t tell any of them was that it was not from her uncle, but from the Dark Lord himself.  It was an introduction for the Four Ice Queens into Dark Magic.  It was a way to begin the seduction of her three friends into the Dark Lord’s circles.

Victoria opened up the book to the first page.  It was a simple spell for making the user have a blush that appealed to others around them.

Victoria allowed each of the girls to read the spell, making sure that they didn’t go too much further.  When Astoria realized that it was simple enough, they began.  It asked for a simple drop of blood – something each of them in neutral or dark families often had done already.  Then, it led to giggles and amazement after they saw the results.  A natural blush appeared on each of their faces. 

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