Chapter Three Chase No Chaser Summer

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She had never experienced a summer like the one in Tom Riddle's company. The first few days, Tom Riddle gave her time to do her school homework. Again, she didn't feel like arguing with the boy – still feeling the depression of everything that had happened. He helped her through her Potions homework – he was a practical genius in that regard.

Within the first two weeks of school that homework was done, but Tom teased her that she wouldn't be going back to Hogwarts as Harry Potter or a 3rd year.

"You don't look like Harry Potter. You look like an eleven year old. We will make sure in a few weeks that you are seen publicly with Avery here, so everyone recognizes you when school starts as Victoria Avery."

After two weeks of homework, a grouchy old woman, a squib from the Avery family was introduced to her.

"Victoria," he said. "This is Jillian Avery. She is going to teach you how to walk and act like a pureblood woman."

She stuck out her hand to shake it, but Jillian shook her head fervently.

"No," she said. "Ladies curtsey. You take both hands – one here –" she pointed where she should place her first hand, "and the other goes here," she said as she pointed to another spot.

"Now, try again," she said.

Awkwardly, she put a hand on each part of her skirt and gave a bow.

"Yes, not bad." She replied.

"Now, before we begin," she said, "I have some rules for you. Number one, you will obey all of my orders without question. You will address me with utmost respect. I am Madam Avery. You will not swear or use foul language. You will speak softly – you may not yell. You may ask questions, but you must preface each question by using my title. You will wear what I tell you until I am confident that you can pick your own clothes. You will conduct yourself in accordance with the training at all times."

She let it sink in, then she asked. "Do you understand?"

She looked at Madam Avery, her eyes down. "Yes, Madam Avery," she said.

"Your first lesson is on how you address females. Boys remarkably can get away with familiarity or the use of last names. Pureblooded ladies may not. You will always address those who are older than you or have a high station than you as Madam, and those who are your age as Miss. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Madam Avery," she replied.

She nodded without further comment.

"Come along," she said. "I have taken the liberty of a new outfit for you in the bedroom."

She followed behind Madam Avery with her head down meekly and walked up the steps. When they were upstairs and back in her room, she saw some things she had never seen before.

"This is a corset," Madam Avery said, pointing it to her. "This is a pencil skirt," she added. "This is what they call a Pinafore dress."

The last item looked like what she had seen on Alice in Alice in Wonderland. It had white lace trim at the hem, a white apron, and the dress was blue, just like in the movie.

Slowly, she slipped off her clothes with the strong encouragement of Madam Avery. Then, first went the corset. When that was pinching in her body enough so that she could barely breath, Madam Avery helped her encase her legs in white stockings. After that she helped her into the pencil skirt.

"This will help you learn to walk like a lady, so you stop taking the big steps that boys usually take." Madame Avery explained.

Then, the dress was pulled down over her head.

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