Chapter Eleven - Escape from Azkaban

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The very next morning as students at Hogwarts were eating breakfast, chaos broke-out.  First, the newspapers flew in with the owls.  Victoria’s own newspaper explained why, one of the most notorious prisoners ever to be housed in Azkaban, Sirius Black was free:

She read:

“Sirius Black incarcerated hours after his confession to authorities, stating: ‘it’s all my fault’ was in Azkaban because he betrayed James and Lily Potter to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.  The Potters who had been under the Fidelius had made Sirius Black, James Potters’ alleged best friend, the secret keeper.  When he was able, he gave that information to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.  With that information, the Potter house was attacked.  The parents were killed and the Boy-Who-Lived survived. 

It is unclear whether or not Sirius Black has had anything to do with the disappearance of the Boy-Who-Lived almost a year ago.  But what we do know is what he was known to grown at Hogwarts.

‘He is at Hogwarts.’

Who is at Hogwarts?  Is Harry Potter somehow hidden in the school?  Or has Azkaban made Sirius Black so crazy to think he is there?  God help the students there now.

Minister Fudge reports that Dementors will be arriving this morning to help protect the school and attempt to apprehend the prisoner.

DMLE Head, Amelia Bones states: We don’t know if Mr. Black has procured himself a wand, but he should be considered armed and dangerous.  Do not attempt to approach him.  Please contact the Ministry’s Auror division if he is spotted.

What will come of this new development in the saga of the Boy-Who-Lived?  Only time will tell.

Victoria smirked as she finished eating her small breakfast. 

The next bombshell came when the doors of the Great Hall burst open and the Minister himself strutted into the building. 

“What is the meaning of this?” Professor McGonagall clipped.

“I am here by the authority granted me as the Minister of Magic,” Minister Fudge said.  “We need to create a situation where we can keep the Dementors here.”

At this point Victoria saw another familiar face walk in – Albus Dumbledore.

Whispers filled the room, making it very impossible for anyone to hear what was happening at the table.  Finally, Albus Dumbledore turned around.

“Be rest assured, staff and students,” he said, “You will all be perfectly safe with the Dementors outside on the grounds.  The Minister, myself, and your Headmaster and staff will work out how best to provide that safety for you.  Until then, any classes that make you leave the castle need to be postponed for today.”

Victoria smirked.  “No Herbology,” the first years whispered at each other. 

For others that meant no Flying lessons or Care of Magical Creatures either. 

That evening at the Great Hall, Victoria grumbled to Astoria quietly,

“I don’t know why the dementors couldn’t take up shop near Lupin’s classroom.”

“Maybe take him out?” Adriana added.

Following the meal that evening, Professor McGonagall stood up. 

“As you all may be aware,” she said in her usual business as usual voice, “our school will now be playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business.”

Victoria wondered how she felt about it.  She might have been able to read Professor McGonagall, but the woman always seemed a little grumpy. 

“While those things –“ she said with distaste – “are with us, it is imperative that nobody leave school without permission.  Dementors cannot be fooled or tricked by disguises.  Dementors do not understand pleading or excuses.  Each one of you need to make sure that you give them no reason to harm you.  Professor Lupin has given instruction on Dementors to the Head Boy and Girl.  They have recently given those instruction to all the Prefects under Professor Lupin’s instruction.  Immediately after supper, the 7th year Prefects will give all of you that instruction with the supervision of your Heads of Houses in the Common rooms.  We want you to have as much information as possible when it comes to these things.”

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