Chapter Fourteen - Preparing for Year Two

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Victoria had never had a summer like the summer between her first and second year.  As Harry Potter she had always been sent back to the Dursleys.  They had put him to work – overworked really.  He never saw his friends until the next year.  Victoria saw her friends on every weekend.  Uncle Rufus would take her to Diagon Alley and she would meet with her friends while he did business in the alley.  She had sleepovers at every one of her friends’ homes.  Every one of her friends had been to her house to sleep for a night.  She had been on a few days with her steady.

But the really interesting thing was the times Tom took her on some of his trips for the first times.  She saw him capture Muggles.  She followed him through tunnels from Hogsmeade and then just outside of the wards of Hogwarts, he showed her a few other entries into the Chamber of Secrets.

Tom had just called the basilisk as Victoria led the Muggle they had taken off of the street.

“Now, Victoria dear,” he said.  “You have cast the Imperius and the Cruciatus, but there is one more Dark Art.  Do you know what it is?”

“The Killing Curse,” she whispered.  “The same spell the Dark Lord cast on Harry Potter and made him die.”

Tom nodded.  “The words are Avada Kedavra,” he said.  “Take care of our Muggle.”

Victoria lifted her wand as she looked at the hapless Muggle.  Something told her there was no going back from this point.  The Killing Curse would make her something else. 

“AVADA KEDAVRA –“ she said.

A green light flew from her wand and struck the Muggle square between the eyes.  He fell to the floor.

“Do you think the basilisk would like to eat, Victoria?” Tom purred at her. 

Victoria hissed, “Dinner –“

The basilisk flew in and struck swallowing up the dead Muggle.

Tom walked up and for the first time wrapped his arms around her. 

“How does it feel inside of you, Victoria?”  He whispered.

She watched as the basilisk returned to its den.  Tom held her against him as she looked at where the Muggle had once been. 

“I want to do it again –“

Tom chuckled as he bent down to her ear.

“I’m corrupting you, dear Victoria.  Where is the heroic Harry Potter who was going to stop basilisks and killing curses?”

Victoria allowed him to hold her against him.  Her head was swimming still from the feeling of killing.

“He isn’t quite gone, yet, is he?” Tom whispered in her ear.

“Almost –“ she whispered back.

Tom turned her around to look at him.  “This year with your help, I will let Voldemort be reborn and then I will assume his place as the Dark Lord.  And later if you serve me faithfully, I will show you how to get rid of Harry Potter forever.”

His warm breath on her face and she was filled with the intoxication of the Killing Curse and the proximity of a very handsome young man.  Her response was natural.  It was a moan of absolute pleasure.  Tom stroked her cheek as she remained lost still to all the dark feelings floating around her. 

When Victoria started to calm down, Tom walked away speaking softly for her.

“Tomorrow you come back to Hogwarts,” he started.  “I expect you to continually progress.  I expect that no one will dare touch my Ice Queen.  Do you understand, dear?”

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