Don't Know What To Do - [Felix]

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Your pov

It's my birthday today. So I'm really in a good mood. But that Seo Changbin guy really, asked me to complete his work just because im one of his teammates he could rely on. I couldnt say no and just, do it.

I sat myself on a couch in the library. Researching for some sources that can be use for the assignment.

"Uh. So tiring," I groaned.

I saw someone coming. A not too tall but not too short either figure walking slowly entering the library.

Lee Felix.

"Whew what is he doing here?" I mumbled.

He walk slowly towards me.

"Um hey Changbin told me you're here." he takes a seat besides me. "And?" i raised my eyebrows.

"Nothing. " he placed his head on the table. Wow seriously? Why is he even here? Even sleeping next to me?

But he looks so peaceful while sleeping. So calm. Unlike when he's awake, so noisy.

"Stop staring at me and do your assignment." he stated but his eyes are still close.

I quickly come to my sense.

"Im here to accompany you because im part of this team. Im your teammate too i cant let you do this alone. Even this is the bare minimum i could do but hey at least im here. For you." eyes are still close. Damn. Felix are you sleep talking?

"Uh alright if that so." i stated.


Your pov

"Whew (y/n) thanks alot! What would i do without you!!" Changbin screams in joy. "Ugh you should have done your own assignment. She is not your maid." Felix came in.

"It took her almost half a day to complete your stupid assignment part." Felix seems mad.

"Uh...Im sorry. You could have said no when I told you so right?" Changbin stutters

"No it's okay it happened. So...yea?" I smiled awkwardly.


Im eating my sandwich ath the rooftop. The wind breeze are calming. Soothing. Finally a break i deserve after my kinda shitty birthday yesterday.

"Hey," a deep voice calling for me.

"Uh hey?"

"Are you okay?" he sit next to me. I nodded. "Im just worried about you. You seem tired." he handed me a paper bag and gave me a signal to open it.

It's a swarovski bracelet.

"But why-"

"Your birthday present?" Felix raised his eyebrows. "Just take it!"

I thanked him.

"Uhm, I actually like your attitude. You're cute" Felix smiled. It's the first time ive seen him smiling.

"Oh haha, well I dont know what do I reply to that. Thanks again I guess?"

Felix nodded and laughs. "I like you."

I look at him in disbelief. We had an eyecontact but i quickly move away.

"Uhm," i stuttered.

"It's okay you dont have to answer it. Im going now bye." Felix went down and left me hanging.

I was about to say the same but okay....I guess?


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