A Cutie - [Changbin]

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You sighed since you're bored in class. "When will this thing end?" you look up to the ceiling. "What thing?" Mrs Park hit your table. You were so shocked.


"I knew since the start you're not interested in studying but at least show some respect to me. Im your teacher." she walks away. You rolled your eyes.

Changbin's pov.

"Here your luxury lunch as what i promised yesterday." I placed it on the table. "Now tell me what is she doing today."

Felix opened the sealed foods he is so amazed. "Okay okay. So like nothing new, hyung." you sighed and roll your eyes.

"She disrespected Mrs Park, and yea refuse to study." Felix munch the foods. "Yah. Dont you think I need to hit her up first?" i asked him.

He then nodded. "Yes it's common. A basic knowledge in love how can you not know!" Felix stated.

"How? Im like. Shy?" i raised a brow. "Since when do you have that kind of feelings." I hit his head. "Well do yoh know where she usually is right now?" Felix  nodded.

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Your pov

I drink my milk and breathe in the air. Ah so refreshing. Way better than Mrs Park's class. "(y/n)!! A present!" I turn around and saw Felix pushing a guy towards me. What's new? Felix doing his weird things.

"What are you doing?" i raised my eyebrows. He then ran away. "Um Hi?" my senior, Seo Changbin. Well girls are so hype for him. They are probably after his money.

"Hi?" i awkwary replied. He smile. Oh wow that's pretty cute.. Okay back to reality! "I I dont know how to say this or should I say this? Ah im dizzy." he stuttered. Suddenly the bell rings. "Im sorry but I need to go back to class. You wanted to leave but he stopped you.

"I like you." he smiled. "Me?" I look around. Lol obviously its me only two of us are here. He nodded. "Since I need to stop paying Felix so yea its good for me to confess directly." he laughs. Awh im flattered.

I smiled. "You paid Felix? For what?"

He scratches the back of his head. "To get to know you?" he sttutered. I can feel that he is nervous talking to me.
"Well you dont need to after this I guess?" I winked.

He laughs. "Ah? Is that an approval?"

"Goddammit go back to class!" Oh Mrs Park. Life's ruiner, dreams crusher.

You bid a good bye to Changbin. He smile at you.

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Henlo babies im slayed by stray kids on ep7 i love them so much MAAAAAAAATRYOSHKA

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