Catch Feels [Jeongin]

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"Hey Yang Jeongin! " you screamed as you throw your pencil case at him.

He turns around and look at you weirdly. "I cant believe you played my friend's heart. Don't you know how hurt she is? " you look at him fiercely.

He smirked and raised his eyebrows. "For your information Ms... Ms whatever your name is. Ive never give your friend any hope. She's just that dumb to fall for me. Well I'm nation's sweetheart who doesn't fall for me. But still it isn't my fault." wow so cocky.

"You gave chocolates to her during Valentine's Day though! " you shouted at him. Everyone in the school's hallway look at you both.

Jeongin looks embarrassed he then grabbed your hand and drag you to other place.

"What the hell? What are you so loud for." he placed his index finger on my lips. "Jeongin please get back with her. Don't hurt my friend." you're begging since you love your best friend so freaking much

"We are not couple. Ive never loved her? " Jeongin let out heavy sigh. "Then why did you being all sweet to her? " you asked.

"It's normal I did that to everyone! She's the one who catch feels real quick. " he seems angry.

"(y/n) I actually did that because. " aye? He knows my name?

You stare at him with puppy eyes.
"I like you. I wanna get close to you that's why I try to be close to your friends first. But it turns out that. You friend catch feels. That's not my real intention (y/n) " he sighed.

"I'm sorry but you're just too much. If you're confessing right now, I cant accept it because you gutted my friend. " you replied coldly.

Even though you like him secretly but you just let it go because your friend have a huge crush on Jeongin. You just love her too much that u sacrifice a lot.

"My last word is, don't let her down Jeongin. " you left him alone.


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