Chapter Six

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The entire class had to sit through yet another thirty minute lecture/introduction; complete with class rules and cylabus forms. After that, Coach Moore took attendance and sent us to play volleyball for the rest of the period. I had never been good at any sport, and my teams in phys. ed tended to hate my guts for being so terrible. I was okay in the back row as long as I didn't have to serve. The first few rounds were cake, since everyone around me seemed so great at the game. My team saved me from having to do much of anything at all, until I was up to serve.
I hit the ball over the net and the other team knocked it back over to our side. The ball whizzed past all of my teammates and was headed straight for my face. I tried to move, but I was sure I'd still be hit. Someone's hand reached out in front of my face and saved me from the force of the volleyball. I looked over and found Emily King, hitting the ball up into the air before it got a chance to touch the ground. One of the boys on our team spiked the ball over the net and turned his attention to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I nodded and stared at the team members on the other side of the net. Justin was among them, seeming overly concerned for my slip up.
"Yeah, thanks." I panted.
I looked past Emily's head and saw the ball flying back towards us. I pushed her out of the way and hit the ball as hard as I could in the opposite direction. Immediately, a sharp pain jolted through my wrist and arm. I cried out in pain, and before I knew it, Emily was examining my wrist.
Before everyone else knew that, the ball was back on our side of the net, and smashing into the side of my head.
That's when everything went black.

I opened my eyes and found that I was in the most familiar spot in the school to me. The infirmary.
"Sweetie, my name is Nurse Caine. Can you tell me your name?" The nurse asked me eagerly. I blinked slowly before looking over at her.
"Annabeth James." I responded groggily.
"Good, your memory is fine. You've revived a pretty bad blow to the head, but you've only got a minor concussion, nothing like the last time. You've also sprained your wrist. You'll be alright, but please take it easy." She explained to me.
Despite that information, my head felt fine. I glanced over at my thickly wrapped wrist and rolled my eyes. If I wasn't already a freak, I certainly would be now. The girl who gets her friends in trouble with monsters and gets herself hurt playing volley ball.
"You'll be fine to go back to class. I just need you to sign this form before I release you." The nurse continued, handing me a clip board and a pen. I scribbled my name on the dotted line and slid out of the bed.
"Justin is waiting for you outside, he insisted that he walk you back to your dorm." The nurse added with a suggestive wink, taking her clip board back from me. I could feel the heat in my face, and I stared down at my feet.
"You'll want your roomate or a friend to help you re-wrap your wrist after you shower, to keep the swelling down. If you have any other problems with it, come see me." She changed the subject, sensing my tension.
"Okay..." I said slowly, slipping on my shoes and walking through the door, out into the waiting room. Justin was slumped down in one of the wooden chairs, asleep. He didn't seem peaceful, like he normally did when he napped. In fact, he appeared to be having an awful nightmare. I stroked his hair out of his face with my unwrapped hand.
Justin's eyes popped open, and he sat straight up in his seat, obviously startled. He relaxed a bit when he saw me.
"Hey." He sighed happily.
"Hey yourself." I replied, nudging his foot with my own.
He stood up out of his chair and stretched before looking around the empty waiting room.
"Goodnight, kids." The nurse said to us, as we exited into the hallway.
The door closes behind us, and we began walking through the dim, empty halls.
"You don't look very well rested." I commented. "What were you dreaming about?"
"Oh... yeah I don't really remember." It didn't sound like the truth, but I didn't push him. I figured he'd change the subject like he always did to were wolves and ghouls. He didn't, and we didn't speak for a long time, and Justin couldn't seem to stop staring at me. I wanted to scream to the top of my lungs. I was embarrassed and angry, and for once Justin wasn't helping. I took a deep breath and finally faced him.
"What?" I asked firmly, folding my arms across my chest.
"Nothing...sorry." Justin sighed. "Are you feeling alright?"
I rolled my eyes.
"You can't do that this time. You don't get to change the subject on me like that. Something is bugging you so spill it." My words had a little more bite than I had intended, one of my anxiety's many tells.
Justin knew I wasn't going to drop it so he sighed before telling me the truth.
"I'm just worried. Mostly about you, I don't think you can take any more blows to the head." He explained in a low voice. I scoffed at that.
"I've been a clutz all my life and now you're worried?"
"You know why I'm worried." Justin insisted firmly. My chest tightened and my stomach felt hot.
"Justin I don't want to worry about Amber Summers anymore! I don't want to talk about what happened under the school! I don't want to have to be so terrified that anything might kill me anymore!" I shouted. "You know I thought the only person who understood me was you. That you knew that I am more than what happened to me, but you're treating me like everyone else does."
I turned away from Justin and began storming down the hallway. I tried to stay ahead of Justin, but he jogged to catch up. He grabbed my shoulders and stopped me.
"Hey, what's with you?" He asked softly. "You know I didn't mean it like that..."
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.
"I know..." I admitted, with a shake of my head. "It's been a rough day. Just forget about that, please."
"Not a chance, what's going on?" Justin asked, brushing my hair behind my ear.
"Honestly, it's something that I need to speak to my father about. I'm sorry for freaking out..." we began walking again, and made our way across the campus to the girls dormitory.
"Will you talk to me about it after you get it sorted out with him?" Justin pressed.
I nodded.
"Yeah, of course. But I don't know when he'll be making his way over here." I shrugged. Justin seemed disappointed for me, but I tried to deflect his sympathy. Dad had never been good at communicating with me, even when I lived in his house; and with his new engagement with Jesibelle, I was even less sure that he'd come and visit with me at all.
"Well, the counselor is helping Caitlyn and I set up a visit with our parents, tomorrow. I can tell you when so if your dad doesn't show, you can just come hang out with us." Justin offered.
It made more sense at this point to visit with their parents instead of my own father. I had spent more time at their house, and seeking their support than his anyway.
We reached my door and stopped.
"Thanks." I nodded.
"Any time." Justin replied with a bright smile. I stretched upward on the tips of my toes to kiss Justin before we said goodnight and he headed back to his own room.
I slipped into the dark room and quietly took off my shoes, socks and bra. It was too late for a shower now, I'd slept the entire day away.
I climbed into bed and tried to focus on the black ceiling above me. If I was distracted by Justin or my father, I wouldn't get any rest before tomorrow morning.

Out of the DarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon