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(Chapter summary: "What happened?"


Constable Robossan happened," Arthur said.)

(I'm gonna stop trying to make each part 400 words, this one's 600 words again.)

Arthur awoke to being pushed off his bed, he yelped but it was muffled by a cloth.


‘ What in the world is happening? ’ He hissed as a boot was press on one of his cuts.


Arthur could barely see in the mixture of darkness and no glasses. He tried to get back up but was punched; Arthur cowered in fear. He saw a quick glint of gold on the person's chest.


‘ A bobby? Why would a bobby be beating me? ’ Arthur was pulled up and thrown onto his bed (don’t worry! There is (surprisingly) no rape, it’s extremely tempting, but I can’t do that to Arthur), it groaned under him.


Then, realization hit him and his survival instinct smacked his ass, ‘ I need to get away. ’ He furrowed his brows and kicked whoever it was in the chest, Arthur heard a grunt as he flipped over and crawled away.


He can’t let himself be cornered again. The person walked over to him and grabbed his throat, blocking his airways. His eyes went wide as he was pulled close to the person’s face. Rabossan?


“Don’t you fucking dare try to hurt my friends ever again, or else the next ones gonna be far worse,” Rabossan hissed as he dropped, more like threw , Arthur.


Arthur waited to do anything before Rabossan left. He could her the door shut quietly, maybe not to wake anyone else up. Did anyone even live here? For all Arthur knew, he could be in a testing facility for downers. He let out a shaky breath and crawled under the bed, looking around trying to find others.


‘ I guess if I could fit under that desk I could go there. I could also go to that closet. ’ He nodded can waited for a bit, listening for footsteps. Arthur felt sand get kicked into his eyes and his head got very heavy, he shut his eyes and slept with only moderate nightmares.


“Arthur?” He snapped his eyes open and scanned his eyes around. He’s under the bed still, there’s three bobbies and a doctor, Dr. Fran, Constable Graham, Constable Watts, and Constable Rabossan.

’Rabossan isn’t looking anywhere like the others, he’s just standing there, angrily and impatiently tapping his foot. He’s gonna hurt me again, right? ’ Arthur sharp intake of air drew Graham’s attention to the bed.


“Arthur,” he said, chuckling. Why isn’t he angry? Why is he not hurting Arthur?


‘ He’s gonna hurt me. 


“Now what are you doing under there you silly goose?” He reached under for Arthur as the other’s (as in Watts and Fran) crouched down and peered under.


Arthur scooched until his back hit the wall, Graham continued to reach for him. Without thinking of the consequences, Arthur swiped at Graham with his hand, scratching him. Graham swore as he pulled back, bumping his head on the bed.


Arthur covered his mouth and started shaking in fear, ‘no, no, no, no, no! Arthur you fucking idiot! ’ Arthur curled into a ball, just wanting to die with relatively no pain.


“Hey, no, it’s alright, you just got scared.” Graham tried to calm Arthur as he motioned with his hand for Arthur to come over.

Arthur, looked from the floor to Graham and started to crawl slowly to him. “It’s fine, see?” Graham showed Arthur his hand, it only had a slightly puffy, red, streak running across it. Arthur nodded and came out, he looked like a puppy that did something wrong.


“We’re all friends here,” Fran said, kneeling.

Arthur glance up at Rabossan who held a stern, angry expression at which Arthur snapped his eyes back down to the floor.

ImpulsiveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon